Staff Ratios & Qualifications Survey results from our mini-poll
Nearly 300 of you responded to our recent mini poll on the Government’s proposed
changes to staff ratios and qualifications in the child care sector.
We thought you might be interested in finding out what your colleagues in the child care
sector think about the results of the proposed changes.
- More than 57% of respondents predict that the Government's proposed changes to staff ratios and qualifications will improve the quality of care in their service, 36% of respondents think it won't improve care and 7% are not yet sure whether it will or won't affect quality of care.
- Just over half of you think the proposed changes will improve the quality of care across Australia more widely, 28% think it won't and 19% of you were unsure.
- A staggering (but not surprising) 86% of you said the Government's changes will increase your operating costs, only 10% said costs won't increase and 4% of you said you are not yet sure what the cost implications will be.
- More than 83% of respondents said the burden of these cost increases will be passed on to parents and only 6% of you said the additional costs won't be passed on. 10% of you said it was too early to tell how the additional costs will be shared out.
This topic is obviously of great relevance to you all so we thought you might be interested in reading some of the comments survey respondents left us:
"I have worked in child care for 19 years and I welcome the changes. There is a definite need to increase ratios to lessen the burden on child care workers. This will assist staff to provide better quality care for our children. It is about time the Government took more of a genuine interest in child care in Australia. I couldn't be happier."
"As a small centre that is already struggling and could lose more enrolments due to a fee increase, it may mean our centre is no longer viable."
"The changes are needed however it is imperative that the government take responsibility for any fee increases - and not just pass the buck so to speak.'
"The early childhood sector plays a very important role in the community and we need to be recognised as professional workers."
"What happens to all of the child care workers who have been in the industry for years and years, who don't have tertiary qualifications?"
"I believe quality of care comes with greater understanding of child development so ensuring staff members are highly qualified will be beneficial for families and children."
"Great initiative by the Government to want to improve quality - but it will only improve if they are willing to fit the bill - someone has to pay for it, and if the Government won't then parents will!"
"Staff ratios do not change the quality of a centre: the commitment of the staff who are working at the centre changes the quality of the centre."
"Great for centre based care but not necessary for Family Day Care."
"Governments need to back up what they are saying. They are making all the right moves as far as finally recognising the importance of early childhood education but need to back that with the funds. Funds should be available equally to ALL preschools and child care services, private and not for profit."
"We already have every proposed change in place and have seen the benefits and recommend them to other services."
"Where will the qualified teachers come from and what an insult to highly dedicated diplomas."
To discuss your views further on this topic click here to visit CareforKids Social and see what others are saying… |
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