Rachel Hunter
Chair of the Australian Children's Education and Care Quality Authority
Rachel Hunter has had a 34 year career in the Queensland public sector with the last 14 years as a CEO. She led the public training provider TAFE Queensland, the Public Service Commission and the Departments of Education, Training and the Arts, and Justice and Attorney General.
Rachel has contributed to a broad range of policy reforms at State and National levels which aimed to improve the quality of government services in training, schooling, early childhood education and care, the criminal justice system, public sector governance and the arts.
Rachel also holds board appointments as the Chair of QComp, Legal Aid Queensland and Deputy Chair of the Queensland Performing Arts Trust. She is a member of Griffith University Council, the Board of UQ College, and the Board of Searchlight Education Springfield. |
Professor Collette Tayler
Deputy Chair
Professor Collette Tayler holds the Chair in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) at The University of Melbourne. Collette is co-author of the OECD Report Starting Strong II, an international analysis of ECEC policy and provision. She directs the E4Kids (Effective Early Educational Experiences) longitudinal study and leads the Master of Teaching (Early Childhood) program at the Melbourne Graduate School of Education. |
Tracey Bradley
Tracey Bradley has worked in the early years for over 27 years, working with children, managing services and in the development of new programs. Tracey participated on a working group involved in the development of new child care legislation in Tasmania and has continued to support services to meet legislative requirements. Tracey has been a member of the Tasmanian Ministers Child Care Advisory Council since it was formed a decade ago and has held the position of Chair for the last several years. |
Professor Alison Elliott
Professor Alison Elliott has extensive cross sector and cross jurisdiction experience in early education research, policy and management. She is widely recognised for her expertise in early childhood education and care and particularly in regard to young children's learning and wellbeing especially in remote and economically vulnerable communities. Professor Elliott has held a range of academic and leadership positions in the university sector, has served on and/or held executive positions on a range boards, committees, and early childhood advisory and reference groups, published widely in the field of early education and care, and is a Fellow of the Australian College of Educators. She is the long time editor of the leading professional publication Every Child. |
Gayle Ginnane
Gayle Ginnane is a former senior public servant with a background as a financial regulator. Gayle has worked in several Australian Government agencies and has been involved with a number of voluntary organisations including at senior and Board levels. She is now an independent director with a number of board appointments including the National Childcare Accreditation Council. Gayle has considerable experience in board governance and finance. |
Tonia Godhard AM
Tonia Godhard AM has worked as an early childhood director and academic and has held senior roles in a range of community based children's services including the position of CEO of SDN in NSW. She sits on a number of boards and committees and is committed to strong advocacy for young children and raising the quality of services for children and their families. |
Professor Pauline Harris
Professor Pauline Harris is the Lillian de Lissa Chair, Early Childhood (Research) at the University of South Australia, in partnership with SA Department of Education and Children's Services. Pauline's previous academic appointment was at the University of Wollongong for 20 years, where she specialised in early childhood play, curriculum and language and literacy. She has authored numerous journal articles, book chapters and books, and is/has been lead investigator on three significant Australian Research Council Discovery projects. |
Sue Lines
Sue Lines is Assistant National Secretary of United Voice, one of Australia's largest unions, representing professionals in early childhood education and care. Under Sue's leadership, United Voice has advocated for the continued professionalisation and recognition of the early childhood education and care sector, including ensuring that professionals working at centres, and the families reliant on them, were represented during the insolvency of ABC learning. Sue has advocated for the creation of the National Quality Framework and is committed to issues that will have a lasting impact on the future of early childhood education and care in Australia. |
Michael Manthorpe
Michael Manthorpe is a Deputy Secretary in the Commonwealth Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations. He has been with that Department or its predecessors for over 20 years, working on workplace relations, labour market, employment and early childhood matters. In 2008-09 he led the Commonwealth Government's response to the insolvency of ABC Learning for which he was awarded the Public Service Medal. He was the Deputy Secretary responsible for early childhood reforms from 2009 to early 2011 and is currently leading the Department's Corporate and State Office Network functions. |
June McLoughlin
June McLoughlin has expertise in policy and service development within early childhood education and care, disability parenting and family support fields. June has managed many state and national projects designed to refocus early childhood services to provide more integrated support for families with young children. June holds positions on a number of boards and committees and is the current Chairperson of the National Childcare Accreditation Council Board. |
Amanda Morphett
Amanda Morphett is the Director of Jenny Wren Early Learning Centre and outside school hours care service. Amanda had a background in visual arts and a small business career before returning eight years ago to a family operated second generation independent centre in Canberra. Her previous board roles include National President of Childcare Associations Australia and the State President of the ACT Children's Services Association. Amanda is an active advocate for the quality agenda in her local Early Childhood Community. |
Anne Reddell
Anne Reddell is the Executive Director, Queensland Department of Education and Training. Anne has a proven track record in early childhood education and care and a strong commitment to improving outcomes for children and supporting families. She has dedicated 20 years to leading Queensland Government policy and service delivery, with a focus on early childhood development and education and care. Anne has held senior positions overseeing the regulation of early childhood services, funding for non government organisations (NGOs), regional service delivery and regulation, policy development and most recently representing Queensland in national negotiations to improve the quality of early childhood services. |
Mark Brown
Mark Brown is the Director, Education and Training Regulation, Department of Education Services, in Western Australia. Mark has been involved in education in WA since 1974 as a primary school teacher, university lecturer, curriculum and assessment manager, and director for Kindergarten to Year 12 curriculum in WA. In recent years, he has managed the registration of non-government schools (Kindergarten to Year 12) before being appointed as director for education and training regulation in 2009. |