Best Practice Business
» ABC & CFK – is it time to look at a » national planning system?
Measuring unmet demand for child care.
By Roxanne Elliott®
Firstly, let me say that our thoughts go out to the child care staff who are worried about their future and of course the parents.
Instead of apportioning blame, we thought it would be helpful to examine a contributing factor to ensure the sector doesn't get into this mess again.
There is a major flaw in the delivery of child care services in Australia... namely that there is no planning mechanism in place to determine where child care services are built.
The result of this flaw has lead to areas of undersupply and oversupply across the country.
We've all heard press reports of anguished parents in recent years unable to find suitable care for their children in some areas. And in recent weeks we've also witnessed the damage resulting from the oversupply of services in other areas.
» Read the article…
» Vacancy Information – Help worried parents find » alternative child care arrangements is Australia's number one search engine for parents looking for child care.
With the recent difficulties at ABC and CFK there are a lot of concerned parents in the market considering alternative care options for their children.
We have seen evidence of this in a marked increase in traffic to the site and high numbers of parents running child care searches, which is unusual at this time of the year.
By keeping all your vacancy information up-to-date you will help eleviate parent anguish while at the same time maximise your chances of filling any vacancies you have.
Simply login at any time and update your details or email us with your vacancy information and we will update your listing.
It's a free service and helps those parents locate child care services who have vacancies quickly and easily.
» Login…
» Is the free diploma plan a quick fix? » Industry comment by Vicki Ward CEO of » Tailored Childcare Management
Formerly a Secondary Music teacher, Vicki Ward undertook a Graduate Diploma in Early Childhood Education in 1994, Diploma of Montessori Education in 2002 and a Certificate IV in Workplace Assessment and Training in 2004.
Vicki has worked with her parents in their owner-operated services since 1994, and in 2004 commenced Tailored Childcare Management to provide personalised and professional management and consultancy to the child care sector.
In this month's newsletter Vicki shares her views on the ALP's plan to provide free child care training in an effort to address the staffing crisis.
» Read the full story…
Child Care People
» Meet Jade Barker winner of the » Trainee of the Year Award - NSW Hunter
Jade Barker a young child care worker at the Eleebana Children's Centre in NSW has just been awarded the Hunter Region Trainee of the Year in Community Services Children's Services Certificate III.
In this month's profile Jade tells us how she has achieved so much in such a short period of time.
» Read the interview…
Children & Child Care
» NSW Government Reduces Child Care Ratios
In a move which has received widespread support from the child care industry, the New South Wales Government has announced a reduction in ratios for children two years and younger from one carer per five children to one carer per four children.
Long day care centres in NSW will be required to operate under the new standard by 2010 and the change will bring NSW inline with Queensland and Western Australia which already operate under the 1:4 ratio.
The other states and territories in Australia operate on a 1:5 ratio for under twos.
The NSW Minister for Community Services, Ms Linda Burney announced the change and said the new law was approved by Cabinet following consultation with the child care industry and research into the additional costs to be borne by child care providers.
» Read the full story…
» Special Offer - Jungle Jammin workshop will » have the kids jumpin' and jivin'
Would you like to jam along with a wild man from the jungle?
For Melbourne, Sydney, Gold Coast and Brisbane a Jungle Jammin workshop will have your kids jumpin' and jivin' as they experience the sound of traditional instruments from all over the world.
Its a fun, uplifting and educational workshop which will help kids to appreciate and value Australia's multiculturalism.
By experiencing the exciting music of other cultures, Jungle Jammin helps children develop a positive attitude toward our Ethnic diversity.
The workshops run for 45 minutes and all the children will get to have traditional tribal marks, painted on their faces.
The workshops are especially suited for children during the Early Education years, attending Childcare, Kindergarten or OSHC. Its loud, hands on and will have them moovin' and groovin'!
To find out more about a Jungle Jammin workshop, or to make a booking, visit their web site at, email or phone 0406 191 196
Free tribal mark painted on all the kids faces when you book!
CareforKids Social
» What are people talking about on CareforKids Social
ABC is anyone else anxious?
Is Child care bad for my 1 year old?
National Quality Standards Framework
Christmas 2008 |

Welcome to the final edition of Child Care News for 2008!
It's hard to believe the end of the year is upon us and I'd like to take this opportunity to wish you a peaceful Christmas and a prosperous and happy New Year.
The recent events encompassing ABC Learning & CFK have raised many questions about how they got into difficulties. In Best Practice Business we examine one of the contributing factors and propose a solution.
Our child care professional in the spotlight this month is Jade Barker a young child care worker who just won the NSW Hunter Trainee of the Year Award for Children's Services.
Read all about the Australian Labor Party's plans for TAFE child care training in a special contribution written by Vicki Ward the Chief Executive Officer of Tailored Childcare Management.
After sustained campaigning by the child care sector the NSW Government has finally announced changes to child care ratios across the state. Catch up on the proposed changes and the timetable for implementation in our Children and Child care section.
Thanks for all your support this year and a special thank you to all of you who taken the time to contact us with your feedback and editorial ideas, your comments have helped us build the newsletter into what it is today.
Keep the comments coming and don't forget to let us know if you work with someone who should be profiled in the newsletter.
Look out for the first edition of Child Care News for 2009 which will hit your inbox in February.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Roxanne Elliott
Founder® |
Child Care News Bulletins

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Got questions, comments or ideas for us? Please feel free to contact us with any ideas or suggestions you may have for future issues.
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Jobs in Child Care
Early Childhood Assistant
Willoughby NSW
Willoughby City Council
Authorised Supervisor
Blacktown NSW
The Good Shepherd Kindergarten
Early Childhood Teacher
Chatswood NSW
Willoughby City Council
Child Care Positions
Sydney NSW
Freckles Child Care
Relief Child Care Professionals
Adelaide SA
Enhance Recruitment
Childcare Director
Croydon QLD
Croydon Shire Council
Teacher/Group Leader
Brisbane QLD
Citipointe Childcare
Canberra ACT
YMCA of Canberra
Child Care Director
Sydney NSW
Award Winning Centre
Group Leader
Far North Queensland
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