Training Plans for Early Childhood Workers
A range of measures to help stem the staffing crisis
In an effort to address the staffing crisis facing the early childhood sector the Government has announced a range of measures designed to make it easier for child care workers to obtain training and qualifications.
According to information provided by the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations the changes include:
- Government funding of $126.6 million over four years to help child care workers and people working in the early childhood sector to gain or upgrade their qualifications.
- Current and prospective child care workers will have their regulated TAFE course fees waived when they undertake a Diploma or an Advanced Diploma in Children's Services. Child care centres interested in accessing this subsidy should contact their local TAFE for information.
- Funding for additional early childhood education places at university to address the shortage of teachers in the sector. 500 additional places were funded this year rising to 1500 by 2011.
- Flexible university courses enabling child care staff to train as early childhood teachers by upgrading their diploma qualifications or studying part time while they work.
- Provisions enabling the Government to pay half the HECS-HELP debts of early childhood teachers who work in defined rural and regional areas, Indigenous communities and areas of socio-economic disadvantage. Individuals will be eligible for a benefit of up to $1600 per year for five years. Eligible teachers will be able to apply through the tax system from July 2009 for the 2008–09 financial year.
For more information visit www.deewr.gov.au/earlychildhood
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