How to manage pet allergies -®
Pets: furry friends or foul foes?
How to manage pet allergies
There's absolutely no denying that pets can be such a positive influence in a family home, providing a lot of company, love and fun. In fact the majority of Australian families are likely to have a pet of some sort - usually a dog or cat. But while our furry friends are for the most part adored and beneficial members of the family, they can bring some nasty germs into the house and sometimes cause allergies.

Animal allergens are a common cause of indoor allergic reactions. Allergic reactions are caused by animal saliva, skin and urine.

The tendency to develop allergies is often hereditary, meaning your children are likely to have allergies (though not necessarily specific ones, just the tendency towards them), but just because you, your partner, or one of your children might have allergies doesn't mean that all of your kids will definitely get them.

But a few kids have allergies even if no family member is allergic. And a child who is allergic to one substance is likely to be allergic to others.

When animals groom themselves, they lick themselves, and saliva coats the skin, fur or feathers. Skin cells covered in saliva ('animal dander') are shed along with loose hairs and fur. This is the case for all breeds and even those described as 'hairless' still have allergens found in dander from skin sources.

Although there are conflicting studies over whether or not growing up in a household of pets can exacerbate allergy symptoms or help to protect children, the advice remains that, for those who have eczema, hay fever or asthma, removing pets is the best advice, even if there is no obvious allergy to them at present.

Tips on reducing pet allergies:

  • Do not obtain any new pets if the allergy is a real issue
  • Restrict pets to outdoors or to limited areas in the house – definitely not in the bedroom
  • Wash cats and dogs regularly (but not more than the vet or groomer recommends as this can also harm your pet)
  • Keep your pets healthy and well groomed (obviously this doesn't apply to stick insects and the like!)
  • Family members and visiting friends who are in contact with animals outside the home (such as horses, or other people's cats or dogs) should change their shoes and clothes, and wash their hair, when arriving home
  • If possible, remove carpets from rooms where pets are kept.
  • Vacuum and steam clean floors regularly.
  • Any remaining carpets should be cleaned with a high-temperature steam cleaner and vacuumed regularly with a high-filtration (HEPA) vacuum cleaner
  • Clean all surfaces (including walls) regularly
  • Wash all pet bedding and baskets regularly

You can find more information here:

Asthma Australia

National Asthma Council Australia
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