The Real Cost of Child Care
Staff ratio changes and the impact on costs to families
With some of the Government's staff ratio changes due to take effect from 2011 the debate about how much these changes will impact the affordability of child care for families is raging.
In a speech at the Early Childhood Australia Conference last month the Minister for Child Care, Kate Ellis stated that average out-of-pocket increase for a family earning $80,000 per year would be $0.57 per week in 2010-11 rising to $8.67 per week by 2014-15 for one child attending full time long day care.
The Australian Childcare Alliance (ACA) strongly refutes the Government's claim and in a recent Channel 9 news report Lyn Connolly from ACA said she couldn't understand why the Minister was continuing to push the $0.57 line.
"The largest non-profit organisation in the nation says that from next year costs will increase by $2-$20 per day" said Ms Connolly. Click here to view the Channel 9 interview.
While it's too early to know exactly how much the cost increases will be, one thing is certain, costs for families will go up. Click here to take our super short mini poll to tell us your opinion on the question of cost and the potential impacts this will have on your child care service.
» Have your say…

NCAC Announces Quality Assurance Changes
Key dates to consider
The new National Quality Framework for Early Education and Care (NQF) replaces the current Child Care Quality Assurance systems (CCQA) from 1 January 2012 and as a result the NCAC has started closing down the CCQA system.
Key dates
From 1 January 2011 accredited and new services will no longer be required to submit a Self-study Report to NCAC.
From 1 April 2011 Not Accredited services will no longer be required to submit a Self-study Report to NCAC. Services will next submit under the NQF.
In the interim, services should continue to operate within the existing state and territory regulations and use the standards outlined in the relevant Quality Practices Guide to support and focus on their quality practices.
» Read the full article…

Awesome Activity Playhouse
Upgrade your listing during November and it could be yours!
CareforKids.com.au has teamed up with Educational Experience for a special promotion.
Simply upgrade your listing on CareforKids.com.au to a Premium or Enterprise service during the month of November and you'll automatically go into the draw for this super Activity Playhouse from Educational Experience valued at $328.90.
Besides the fun the kids will have you'll also benefit by marketing your service online to over a hundred thousand parents that visit CareforKids.com.au every month.
Login in now to upgrade your listing or call us on (02) 9235 2807 or email enquiries@careforkids.com.au
* Terms & Conditions

Division of Labour
How the new early childhood Ministers will work
In last month's newsletter we advised that we had sought clarification from the Department of Education Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) on on how the appointment of two ministers for early childhood and child care would operate with respect to the division of the portfolio.
DEEWR has advised us that as the senior Minister, Mr Garrett will oversee the whole portfolio while taking day-to-day responsibility for universal access to preschool, early childhood development and indigenous early childhood.
Under the new arrangements Minister Ellis will focus on the delivery of child care programs and payments to families and providers in the early childhood sector.
In a recent speech at Early Childhood Australia's National Conference Minister Garrett said he was aware that there were some concerns in the industry how the division of responsibilities would impact the sector but said the Government was committed to ensuring a coordinated approach.
» Read the full article…
Beverley Benson
Co-ordinator - Orama Street Child Care Deer Park, Victoria
Child care professionals share a commitment to improving society by creating dynamic nurturing care environments for Australia's youngest learners.
In this month's Child Care People we speak to Beverley Benson, Co-ordinator at Orama Street Child Care located in Deer Park, VIC.
» Read about Beverley…
If you or someone you know deserves to be featured in this section drop us a line at editor@careforkids.com.au.
Each child care person we profile will receive a copy of Play School Collection (3 DVD set) for their service.
Courtesy of ABC Kids and Roadshow Entertainment.

Nurturing a Love of Reading
Create a lifelong love affair
New brain research reveals that synapses, the connections between neurons, are twice as plentiful at 24 months as in adulthood. Reading to babies helps "wire in" those synapses, so that babies get an early intellectual boost. Early reading promotes early literacy.
How to begin
Even before infants are talking, you can help them begin a lifelong love of reading. Snuggle comfortably with baby on your lap and share books with bright, colourful pictures. Make sure you choose which will survive sessions with teething babies! Avoid spiral bindings, which teething babies could bite.
You'll find that babies a few months old stare hard at black-and-white circles or simple face illustrations. By eight to 12 months, they listen attentively as you chant nursery rhymes, especially when the poem corresponds to the picture. A homemade book filled with family photos can provide comfort to babies of all ages. Ask parents to provide an album for their child and explain that children feel secure as you slowly go through their pictures and talk about each precious person-or family pet.
» Read the full article…

Halloween Craft Ideas
Don't forget our Colouring Competition!
More and more people are celebrating Halloween and it's no surprise really given that it gives you a legitimate reason to dress up as a ghoul and eat sweets!
Children adore Halloween and we thought it might be fun to put together a list of simple Halloween inspired craft ideas to get those creative juices flowing.
We've also got a Halloween themed colouring competition for you to print and hand out to the kids in your service. We have a stack of DVDs from Roadshow Entertainment to give away!
(further details below)
Halloween Craft Ideas
String of Ghosts Use these simple decorations to convert your service into a haunted house.
Jack-o-Lantern Mask A simple mask which you can make with a paper plate.
Wreath of Leaves A simple decoration made with a paper plate and some brightly coloured leaves.
Egg Carton Bats An easy way to make bats using egg cartons, scissors and markers.
Spider Webs A simple spider web picture using glue, glitter and black paper. Add spiders for extra scares!
Egg Carton Spiders Another great egg carton idea.
Pasta Skeleton Kids will love this creepy skeleton made with glue, pasta and construction paper.
Halloween Bat Clips Simple bat clips made using pegs and construction paper.
Balloon Ghost This super cute ghost is easy to make from a balloon and two plastic grocery bags, it is a good decoration and flies well.
Halloween Colouring Competition
Grab all those crafty little ghouls and goblins and get them colouring in, we have a stack of pre-schooler friendly DVDs to give away* courtesy of Roadshow Entertainment.
Just print off any of the three Halloween themed colouring pages below have the kids colour them in and then send them back to us by Friday November 12, 2010. The ten (10) best will be chosen by our expert panel of witches and wizards!
Halloween Pumpkin
Trick or Treat?
Wicked Witch
Post your entries to:
CareforKids.com.au PO Box 543 BALMAIN NSW 2041
OR scan & email entries to competition@careforkids.com.au
Don't forget to include your contact details.
Happy Halloween!
* Terms & Conditions

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Paying for Child Care on Public Holidays
Impact of two Ministers in the sector
Cost of child care
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