Australian Family 2011 Child Care Awards
Celebrating excellence in child care
Every year the Australian Family Child Care Awards celebrate excellence in child care.
They aim to encourage Australians working in all sectors of child care to aspire to excellence.
These national awards publicly recognise Australia's early childhood educators/carers and services and celebrate those who have an outstanding contribution to children, the community and to individual families.
This year's winners were just announced at an awards ceremony attended by 100 guests including representatives of the peak children's services associations, award winners and their guests.
» We are delighted to introduce you to them here…
GIVEAWAY 2011 Nursery Product of the Year
Update your details and one of these fantastic block sets valued at $440 could be yours!
At CareforKids.com.au we pride ourselves on being the one-stop-shop for Australian parents looking for child care. Over 1.5 million parents each year use us because the information they receive is relevant, reliable and up-to-date.
To ensure your service gains the most benefit from being with CareforKids.com.au it is very important to regularly check and update your vacancy and fee information. Up-to-date info will ensure you fill any vacancies as soon as they arise and even if you're busy managing a service with a long waiting list by updating this info you will reduce your administrative work load and enquiries to your service.
Simply by checking and updating your vacancy and fee information in June you could be in the running for one of two fantastic building sets of EVA Soft Blocks the ATA Nursery Toy of the Year 2011 valued at $440 courtesy of Educational Experience.
Updating is easy: simply click the link in the monthly email we send you to notify us of any changes OR click here to login and update your information OR just drop us a line
* Terms & Conditions
For more information on the EDTOY EVA Soft Block 2011 ATA Nursery Toy of the Year click here
Excursions, Events & Fundraising
Why child care services need insurance
We are often asked how insurance works when childcare services attend excursions, events and do fundraising.
Let's look at Fantastic Childcare as an example of why you need insurance for excursions, events and fundraising.
Fantastic Childcare wants to do some face painting down at their local shopping centre to raise funds and promote their service. The shopping centre agrees on the basis that the service has public liability insurance. Why?
The shopping centre has their own insurance, but it won't cover Fantastic Childcare if the fundraising and promotional activities cause injury or property damage.
» Read the full article…
Altiora Childcare has more than 20 year's experience working with the childcare sector.
If you would like to work with an experienced and dedicated insurance partner that shares your passion for childcare, contact our childcare insurance team on:

Video Conferencing
Would you use it in your service?
In a first for Australian child care centres, Universal Childcare is test running video conferencing facilities in eight of its services across the country. The video conferencing service was introduced to give working parents the opportunity to check in with their kids during the day. Universal has plans to offer video conferencing in a dozen more centres in coming months.
Centre staff at Gabriella's Cottage in Neutral Bay told The Daily Telegraph that the laptops allow parents to tune in via Skype to watch a presentation, keep an eye on play time or simply cheer up a little one who has had a fall.
"We know how much mums and dads miss their little ones throughout the day, and it gives them such a thrill to receive a face-to-face call at lunchtime to let them know everything is OK," Universal Childcare operations manager Jennifer Weston told The Daily Telegraph.
» Read the full article…
Angela Hardey – Headland Park World of Learning – Buderim QLD and the winner of the Australian Family Educational Experience Rising Star Award
Child care professionals share a commitment to improving society by creating dynamic and nurturing care environments for Australia's youngest learners.
In this month's Child Care People we speak to Angela Hardey who works at Headland Park World of Learning on the Sunshine Coast QLD and the winner of the Australian Family Educational Experience Rising Star Award
» Read about Angela…
If you or someone you know deserves to be featured in this section drop us a line at editor@careforkids.com.au.
Each child care person we profile will receive a copy of Play School Collection (3 DVD set) for their service.
Courtesy of ABC Kids and Roadshow Entertainment.
Mums Against Cooties
Disinfection techniques can keep children healthy
A campaign designed to educate parents and child care centres about the role of disinfection in keeping children healthy has been launched in the USA
The Mums Against Cooties campaign, launched by the Water Quality and Health Council, uses social media such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to educate parents and child care workers about the use of disinfection and to highlight some of the risks of improper disinfection.
Research conducted by the University of Arizona shows that child care services are frequently contaminated due to the fact that microorganisms can survive for days on inanimate objects such as playground equipment and environmental surfaces.
» Read the full article…
Winter Craft Ideas
Craft ideas for rainy and cold days
With a definite drop in the temperature winter is here. Rainy, cold days offer a great opportunity to stay inside and try some new craft ideas. With this in mind we have created a list of simple projects you might like to try with the kids in your service.
Toilet roll penguins - with a little bit of help even the youngest kids will enjoy decorating these cute little guys.
Paper snowflakes - an oldie but a goodie, cutting snowflakes is a simple activity which never fails to surprise and delight kids.
Snowflakes wreath - if the snowflakes are a success consider turning them into a wreath.
Winter mittens - these sweet mittens can be decorated with anything and then hung on display.
Bottle snowmen - this project gives used plastic bottles another life as snowmen.
Sparkly pinecones - a great way to jazz up the lovely fragrant pinecones that can be collected from under pine trees at this time of the year.
Cotton ball snowmen - smaller kids will love making these sticky furry little snowmen.
Circle polar bears - a fun way to teach kid about shapes.
Winter crowns - if the indoor weather is making everyone a little crazy have them make one of these crowns and hold a winter parade.
Winter themed scissor skills - smaller kids love snipping and gluing, use these simple templates to encourage them to snip with a purpose!
These craft ideas were sourced from www.freekidcrafts.com and www.dltk-holidays.com.
National Long Day Care Conference
Hands up for play
The 2011 National Long Day Care Conference – 'Hands up for Play' will be held in Caloundra from 17th – 19th June, 2011.
The 2011 conference program will provide industry professionals with the opportunity to hear a world recognised industry expert on play, Dr. Jane Hewes from Canada, and the chance to interact and exchange ideas on practical solutions to current issues, to build a strong base of industry contacts, while highlighting the importance of the early years and embracing the National Quality Agenda reforms.
The conference is expected to attract delegates from all over Australia, including childcare centre owners, licencees, directors, childcare centre staff, prospective owners and other key industry stakeholders.
Friday 17th to Sunday 19th June, 2011
Events Centre, Caloundra, Sunshine Coast
» More details…
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