Funding for 340 Budget Based Funded child care services in rural, regional and Indigenous areas has been extended until 30 June 2014 while a government review into how well they service their communities continues.
Minister for Early Childhood and Child Care Kate Ellis said extension of the funding agreements would give the providers certainty for next year.
"…High-quality early childhood education and care give all children a better start at life, but it’s particularly important for children in hard-to-reach locations.
"The continued funding will give services the opportunity to forward plan their operating budgets for next financial year while we continue to review the program," said Ms Ellis.
An additional $1.47 million will also be available to these services to help them improve quality through the provision of extra educational resources and equipment and they will also be urged to self assess.
"From July 2013, service providers will also be encouraged to undertake a voluntary self-assessment against the National Quality Standard and to develop a Quality Improvement Plan," said Ms Ellis.
Indigenous Professional Support Units and Professional Support Coordinators will be funded to help providers complete their self-assessment and Quality Improvement Plan.
Ms Ellis also announced that the second stage of the review into Budget Based Funded child care services would involve the establishment of an external stakeholder reference group to provide advice.