Child Care Industry News
July 17, 2018
Welcome, this week strategies for managing high stress levels in the early childhood workforce and Best Practice Guidelines for using social media in early education and care services.
High stress levels in early childhood workforce
Does this sound like you?

"It can sometimes feel like it will never end with no light at the end of the tunnel."

"I feel I am on a treadmill that I struggle to get off."

"I had a mental breakdown in June and left [the sector] on my doctor's advice … then my marriage of 36 years ended."

A recent survey out of the UK has shown that a quarter of the early childhood workforce is considering quitting the sector as a result of stress and mental health difficulties.
Best practice guidelines for using social media
Social media platforms are a very effective and simple way to share photos, updates and events in your early childhood service. They can help to boost engagement within your established parent community as well as extend your market reach with the potential of bringing in new business.

However, as all early childhood professionals would be aware, there are some inherent risks involved in posting pictures and videos of children online and it's important to have a clear understanding of those risks, and the steps you can take to reduce the possibility of any harm arising from your posts, before you start publicly posting pictures of the children in your service.
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