Kristy Sturgess is a mum and stepmum who runs various businesses, including Unite me Single Parents Community Hub. She lives with stepdaughter Taylor, 12 years, twins Hunter and Jack, 3 years, Max 7 months and partner, Scott in the Hawkesbury Region of Sydney.
C4K: How did you come up with Unite me?
KS: My original inspiration for Unite me was a friend of mine. She was a single mother of two young daughters and was using dating sites to try to meet someone compatible, not only with herself, but also with her daughters. She was frustrated with the men that were contacting her and were not looking to be part of a family and the time and also with the cost of doing this.
As I researched more into this and spoke to both single mums and dads, I found that there was a lot more that Single Parents wanted and needed. Many were looking for friendships, many for relationships and most wanted expert information to assist them with parenting, health, relationships and other areas.
Along with offering a network hub for parents to seek either or both friendships and relationships, I wanted an open forum for parents to ask questions to other members, share experiences and get expert advice and information. I wanted to give parents affordable online stores that will offer Unite me parents discounts every time they shop.
The charities we support through our 'Putting Back into the Community Program' is inspired by personal circumstances. All of these charities have touched me over the years and it’s great to be able to help them.