Child Care News for Parents & Carers
March 27, 2019
Welcome, every week thousands of Australian children and parents meet at playgroups to have fun, learn and enjoy each other's company, this week we celebrate these wonderful community groups as part of National Playgroup Week, also how the Fathering Project is helping dads be the best they can be.
The far-reaching benefits of local playgroups
National Playgroup Week runs from 24 to 30 March, and is a great excuse to celebrate the thousands of playgroups operating around Australia.

Providing fun experiences and fulfilling opportunities, playgroup isn't just a family-friendly experience, it's family-enriching; so, let's explore this wonderful community offering.
How to be the best dad you can
Fatherhood is one of life's most important roles. From the moment a man becomes a dad, he has not just a responsibility to care for his child, but the privilege of loving, supporting and connecting with them as they grow.

Although many dads lead hectic lives, it's crucial that fathers make the time to engage meaningfully with their children.

To help them do this, The Fathering Project is a not-for-profit organisation that inspires and equips dads to be effective fathers. Here we look at what effective fathering means, why it's important, and how dads can be more present and pro-active in their child's life.
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