Supervised care and recreation for school-aged children after school, usually from 3-6pm.
After School Care services in Gladstone, Central Queensland, QLD
In Gladstone we have 19 After School Care services
The average cost is $9.85 hourly, $98.50 daily (10 hours)
Estimate Your Childcare SubsidyThe average National Standard Rating (NQS) is Meeting National Quality Standard.
- QLD/
- Agnes Water
- Aldoga
- Ambrose
- Baffle Creek
- Barney Point
- Beecher
- Benaraby
- Berajondo
- Bororen
- Boyne Island
- Boyne Valley
- Boynedale
- Bracewell
- Burua
- Byellee
- Callemondah
- Calliope
- Captain Creek
- Clinton
- Colosseum
- Curtis Island
- Darts Creek
- Deepwater
- Diglum
- East End
- Euleilah
- Eurimbula
- Foreshores
- Gindoran
- Gladstone Central
- Gladstone Harbour
- Glen Eden
- Iveragh
- Kin Kora
- Kirkwood
- Lowmead
- Machine Creek
- Miriam Vale
- Mount Alma
- Mount Larcom
- Mount Maria
- Mount Tom
- New Auckland
- O'connell
- Oyster Creek
- Raglan
- River Ranch
- Rodds Bay
- Rosedale
- Round Hill
- Rules Beach
- Seventeen Seventy
- South Gladstone
- South Trees
- Sun Valley
- Tablelands
- Tannum Sands
- Taragoola
- Targinnie
- Taunton
- Telina
- The Narrows
- Toolooa
- Turkey Beach
- West Gladstone
- West Stowe
- Wooderson
- Wurdong Heights
- Yarwun
If this is not the area you are interested in, try broadening your After School Care services search to all of Central Queensland.
Child Care Articles & Tips
An overview of family day care
An overview of family day care including things to consider, recognising and choosing an amazing service and an overview of costs.
Family day care checklist
A printable checklist for families to use when visiting family day care services and considering which to choose including questions to ask and what to look for.
Drop off and pick up solutions for parents working non-standard hours
Drop off and pick up solutions for parents working non-standard hours.
Alternative Child Care Solutions for After School |
With a rise in dual-income families and a booming school-age population, many families are searching for alternative solutions to outside school hours care.
What qualifications do educators need to work in the early education and care sector?
What qualifications educators need and what parents can do if they suspect there's something amiss with an educator's credentials.