School Readiness
The transition from preschool or kindergarten to primary school is a big step for many children, so it helps to make sure your little one is ready for the change. Here’s everything you need to know about school readiness and prepping your little one for the transition from preschool or kindy to moving into a school classroom.
School readiness speaks to children being prepared to thrive in one of the biggest changes in their lives… entering the school system. Most children attend an early learning centre and by doing so their preparation for school begins.

Download School Readiness Checklist
Download our School Readiness Checklist to easily access everyday ideas to support your children to get school ready. Our checklist of activities require little effort and can be included into your everyday routine but they have the power to make a big impact on your child’s school readiness.
Approach the start of school with confidence and excitement by printing the checklist and placing on the fridge so school readiness skill development is front of mind during the busy year before your children commence learning in the classroom.
How do I know if my child is ready for school?

Is your child approaching school age? As a parent, you want to do what’s best for your child. One of the biggest decisions you’ll make for your children is when to send them to school. If you send them too early they might not have the skills needed to flourish, whereas if you leave it too late they could quickly become bored and uninspired in their current environment.
There’s nothing more exciting and nerve-wracking than the thought of your kids going to school and learning in a classroom, but it can be tricky to know whether or not they’re ready for the big move. To help you make the best decision for your child and your family, we’ve pulled together some of the telltale signs that your child is ready to transition to big school.

Important School
Readiness Skills
A huge part of school readiness is whether or not your child has the basic skills and knowledge to help them thrive throughout their transition to school and as they settle into their new learning environment.
School readiness skills provide a strong foundation for children's overall development and future success. They’re essential for ensuring that all children have the opportunity to reach their full potential. For some parents, assessing their little one’s school readiness can mean the difference between sending them to school or keeping them back for another year to give them more time to prepare.
When it comes to assessing school readiness, it’s important to consider a number of different skills and developmental achievements.
Transition to School Process
Get your child ready for the transition to school

Step 1
The importance of Childcare...
As a parent, you want to set your child up for success, especially when it comes to the beginning of their learning journey. With this in mind...
Step 2
How to assess school readiness?
Deciding when to enrol your child in school can be a tricky decision. Your youngster must turn five by the cut-off date in your State or Territory, but this leaves ...

Step 3
How can I help my child be ready for school?
As a parent, you want to set your child up for success, especially when it comes to the beginning of their learning journey. With this in mind, there are a few...
Step 4
How to improve a child's school readiness skills?
Preparing your child who is in preschool or kindergarten for big school is as exciting as it is important. As a parent, there are a number of activities...