Supervised care and recreation for school-aged children after school, usually from 3-6pm.
After School Care services in Murray and Mallee, South Australia - South East, SA
In Murray and Mallee we have 29 After School Care services
The average cost is $8.78 hourly, $87.83 daily (10 hours)
Estimate Your Childcare SubsidyThe average National Standard Rating (NQS) is Meeting National Quality Standard.
- SA/
- Alawoona
- Angas Valley
- Annadale
- Apamurra
- Ashville
- Avoca Dell
- Bakara
- Bakara Well
- Barmera
- Beatty
- Beaumonts
- Berri
- Big Bend
- Billiatt
- Birdwood
- Black Hill
- Blanchetown
- Bolto
- Bookpurnong
- Boolgun
- Borrika
- Bower
- Bowhill
- Brenda Park
- Brinkley
- Brownlow
- Bugle Hut
- Bunbury
- Burdett
- Cadell
- Cadell Lagoon
- Caliph
- Callington
- Caloote
- Cambrai
- Carcuma
- Caurnamont
- Chaffey
- Chapman Bore
- Claypans
- Cobdogla
- Colebatch
- Cooke Plains
- Cooltong
- Coomandook
- Coombe
- Coonalpyn
- Coorong
- Copeville
- Cowirra
- Crescent
- Culburra
- Deepwater
- Devlins Pound
- Dutton
- Dutton East
- Eba
- Eden Valley
- Elwomple
- Ettrick
- Field
- Fisher
- Five Miles
- Forster
- Frahns
- Frankton
- Frayville
- Galga
- Geranium
- Gerard
- Gifford Hill
- Glossop
- Golden Heights
- Good Hope Landing
- Greenbanks
- Gurra Gurra
- Halidon
- Holder
- Holder Siding
- Jabuk
- Jervois
- Julanka Holdings
- Kanni
- Karoonda
- Karte
- Katarapko
- Kepa
- Keyneton
- Ki Ki
- Kingston On Murray
- Kringin
- Lake Albert
- Lake Alexandrina
- Lake Carlet
- Lameroo
- Langs Landing
- Lindley
- Long Flat
- Loveday
- Lowbank
- Loxton
- Loxton North
- Lyrup
- Maggea
- Malinong
- Malpas
- Mannum
- Mantung
- Marama
- Markaranka
- Marks Landing
- Maude
- Mcbean Pound
- Meningie
- Meningie East
- Meningie West
- Mercunda
- Meribah
- Milendella
- Mindarie
- Mobilong
- Monarto
- Monarto South
- Monash
- Monteith
- Moorlands
- Moorook
- Moorook South
- Morgan
- Morphetts Flat
- Mount Mary
- Mount Pleasant
- Mount Torrens
- Mulgundawa
- Mundic Creek
- Murbko
- Murrawong
- Murray Bridge
- Murray Bridge East
- Murray Bridge North
- Murray Bridge South
- Murtho
- Mypolonga
- Naidia
- Nalpa
- Narrung
- Naturi
- Netherton
- New Residence
- New Well
- Ngarkat
- Nildottie
- North West Bend
- Northern Heights
- Notts Well
- Old Calperum
- Old Teal Flat
- Overland Corner
- Paisley
- Pallamana
- Palmer
- Parilla
- Paringa
- Parrakie
- Paruna
- Pata
- Peake
- Peebinga
- Pellaring Flat
- Perponda
- Pike River
- Pinnaroo
- Poltalloch
- Pompoota
- Ponde
- Pooginook
- Port Mannum
- Punthari
- Punyelroo
- Purnong
- Pyap
- Pyap West
- Qualco
- Ramco
- Ramco Heights
- Renmark
- Renmark North
- Renmark South
- Renmark West
- Riverglades
- Riverglen
- Rockleigh
- Rocky Gully
- Rocky Point
- Salt Creek
- Sandalwood
- Sanderston
- Sandleton
- Schell Well
- Sedan
- Sherlock
- Spectacle Lake
- Springton
- Steinfeld
- Stockyard Plain
- Stuart
- Sunlands
- Sunnydale
- Sunnyside
- Swan Reach
- Swanport
- Tailem Bend
- Taldra
- Taplan
- Taylorville
- Teal Flat
- Tepko
- Tintinara
- Toora
- Towitta
- Truro
- Tungkillo
- Veitch
- Waikerie
- Walker Flat
- Wall Flat
- Waltowa
- Wanbi
- Wappilka
- Wellington
- Wellington East
- White Hill
- White Sands
- Wigley Flat
- Willow Banks
- Winkie
- Wombats Rest
- Wongulla
- Wonuarra
- Woodlane
- Woodleigh
- Woods Point
- Woolpunda
- Wunkar
- Wynarka
- Yamba
- Yinkanie
- Younghusband
- Younghusband Holdings
- Yumali
- Zadows Landing
If this is not the area you are interested in, try broadening your After School Care services search to all of South Australia - South East.
Child Care Articles & Tips
What is pre-school?
An overview of pre-school including what it is, who it is for, how it is different to child care, operating hours, how much it costs and how to find a service.
First day at pre-school
Tips and tricks for planning and preparing for your child's first day at pre-school including what to expect, how to prepare and how to make it special.
How educators help children prepare for big school
How educators can support families and children to successfully transition to big school.
Expert advice to help your child transition to school
Dr Kate Highfield from Early Childhood Australia, explains how parents can support preschoolers to transition to big school despite absences and disruption caused by COVID-19.
Preparing your child for school |
Preparing your child for the transition to 'big' school including what to expect, what you can do to help and ideas for improving your child's school readiness.
The ins and outs of preschool
All children are entitled to attend 600 hours of a high quality preschool program in the year before starting school. Learn how preschool varies from long day care and what it costs to attend.
The transition from child care to pre-school and school |
Transitioning to pre-school or school from a beloved child care centre is a big milestone for children. Planning and preparation can help ensure a positive experience.
Top tips to help your pre-schooler thrive at big school
Tips and tricks for ensuring your pre-schooler thrives at ‘big’ school, including school readiness, what to expect and how you can support your child.
Interesting research around school readiness
Research from the Telethon Institute explains why school readiness should also consider a child’s home and family life and the community they grow up in to determine whether they might need support later in life.