Supervised care of children on an irregular or part-time basis.
Babysitters in Taree - Gloucester, Mid North Coast, NSW
- NSW/
- Back Creek
- Bakers Creek
- Barrington
- Barrington Tops
- Baxters Ridge
- Belbora
- Berrico
- Bindera
- Black Head
- Bobin
- Bohnock
- Bootawa
- Bowman
- Bowman Farm
- Bretti
- Brimbin
- Bucca Wauka
- Bulga Forest
- Bulliac
- Bundook
- Bunyah
- Burrell Creek
- Cabbage Tree Island
- Caffreys Flat
- Callaghans Creek
- Caparra
- Cedar Party
- Cells River
- Cobark
- Coneac
- Coopernook
- Cooplacurripa
- Copeland
- Coralville
- Craven
- Craven Plateau
- Croki
- Crowdy Bay
- Crowdy Head
- Cundle Flat
- Cundletown
- Curricabark
- Dewitt
- Diamond Beach
- Dingo Forest
- Dollys Flat
- Dumaresq Island
- Dyers Crossing
- Elands
- Faulkland
- Firefly
- Forbesdale
- Gangat
- Ghinni Ghinni
- Giro
- Glen Ward
- Glenthorne
- Gloucester
- Gloucester Tops
- Hallidays Point
- Hannam Vale
- Harrington
- Hillville
- Invergordon
- Johns River
- Jones Island
- Karaak Flat
- Khatambuhl
- Kia Ora
- Killabakh
- Killawarra
- Kimbriki
- Kippaxs
- Kiwarrak
- Knorrit Flat
- Knorrit Forest
- Koorainghat
- Krambach
- Kundibakh
- Kundle Kundle
- Langley Vale
- Lansdowne
- Lansdowne Forest
- Manning Point
- Mares Run
- Marlee
- Melinga
- Mernot
- Mitchells Island
- Mograni
- Mondrook
- Mooral Creek
- Moorland
- Moppy
- Moto
- Mount George
- Nabiac
- Number One
- Old Bar
- Oxley Island
- Pampoolah
- Possum Brush
- Purfleet
- Rainbow Flat
- Rawdon Vale
- Red Head
- Rookhurst
- Saltwater
- Stewarts River
- Stratford
- Strathcedar
- Tallwoods Village
- Taree
- Taree South
- Terreel
- The Bight
- Tibbuc
- Tinonee
- Tipperary
- Tiri
- Titaatee Creek
- Tomalla
- Tugrabakh
- Upper Lansdowne
- Waitui
- Wallabi Point
- Wallanbah
- Wang Wauk
- Waukivory
- Wherrol Flat
- Wingham
- Woko
- Yarratt Forest
If this is not the area you are interested in, try broadening your Babysitters search to all of Mid North Coast.
Child Care Articles & Tips
What is an au pair?
An overview of au pairs: what they are, what they do and don’t do, who uses them, how much they cost, how you can employ one and your legal obligations.
What is the difference between a nanny and an au pair?
Apart from sharing the responsibility of providing in-home care for children, nannies and au pairs are quite different in other respects.
Can families get the Child Care Subsidy for nannies and au pairs?
Child Care Subsidy Eligibility criteria with regards to nannies and au pairs, can be confusing, this article clears up the questions.
How to use an agency to find a nanny, au pair or babysitter
Using an agency to source a nanny, au pair or babysitter saves time and effort but there are a few things it is useful to be aware of before you start the process.
What is it like to be an au pair?
The au pair experience, how everyone benefits from this cross-cultural experience.