Supervised care of children on an irregular or part-time basis.
Babysitters in Upper Goulburn Valley, Hume, VIC
- VIC/
- Acheron
- Alexandra
- Ancona
- Arcadia South
- Avenel
- Bailieston
- Balmattum
- Barjarg
- Barwite
- Boho
- Boho South
- Bonnie Doon
- Boorolite
- Bridge Creek
- Broadford
- Buxton
- Cambarville
- Cathkin
- Caveat
- Creek Junction
- Creightons Creek
- Delatite
- Devils River
- Dropmore
- Earlston
- Eildon
- Enochs Point
- Euroa
- Fawcett
- Flowerdale
- Forbes
- Gaffneys Creek
- Ghin Ghin
- Glenaroua
- Glenburn
- Glenhope
- Glenhope East
- Gobur
- Gooram
- Goughs Bay
- Goulburn Weir
- Graytown
- Heathcote South
- High Camp
- Highlands
- Hilldene
- Homewood
- Howes Creek
- Howitt Plains
- Howqua
- Howqua Hills
- Howqua Inlet
- Jamieson
- Kanumbra
- Kelvin View
- Kerrisdale
- Kevington
- Killingworth
- Kilmore
- Kilmore East
- Kirwans Bridge
- Kithbrook
- Knockwood
- Koonda
- Koriella
- Lake Eildon
- Limestone
- Locksley
- Longwood
- Longwood East
- Macs Cove
- Maindample
- Maintongoon
- Mangalore
- Mansfield
- Marraweeney
- Marysville
- Matlock
- Mcmahons Creek
- Merrijig
- Merton
- Mia Mia
- Miepoll
- Mirimbah
- Mitchellstown
- Moglonemby
- Molesworth
- Molka
- Moorilim
- Moormbool West
- Moranding
- Mount Buller
- Mountain Bay
- Murrindindi
- Nagambie
- Nalinga
- Narbethong
- Northwood
- Nulla Vale
- Piries
- Pranjip
- Puckapunyal
- Pyalong
- Reedy Creek
- Reefton
- Reynard
- Riggs Creek
- Rubicon
- Ruffy
- Sawmill Settlement
- Seymour
- Sheans Creek
- Strath Creek
- Strathbogie
- Sugarloaf Creek
- Sunday Creek
- Tabilk
- Taggerty
- Tallarook
- Tamleugh
- Tarcombe
- Taylor Bay
- Terip Terip
- Thornton
- Tolmie
- Tooborac
- Toorongo
- Trawool
- Tyaak
- Upotipotpon
- Upton Hill
- Violet Town
- Wahring
- Whanregarwen
- Whiteheads Creek
- Whroo
- Willowmavin
- Wirrate
- Woodfield
- Woods Point
- Yarck
- Yea
If this is not the area you are interested in, try broadening your Babysitters search to all of Hume.
Child Care Articles & Tips
An overview on babysitting
Babysitter overview: everything you need to know about using a babysitter including costs, what to expect and how to find and interview someone.
How to find a brilliant babysitter
The ins and outs of babysitters and how to make this flexible form of care work for your family.
Babysitter checklist
Babysitter checklist: learn how to interview and brief a new babysitter.
Parent / babysitter notes
Brief your babysitter properly then relax and enjoy your evening out using our printable form covering your kid’s routine, emergency contacts and house rules.
Babysitter tool kit for parents
A comprehensive babysitter toolkit which covers everything families need to know about interviewing, choosing and employing a babysitter for their children.
Hello virtual babysitting!
Virtual babysitters offer child minding services via the internet, while the parents are close at hand. This article considers which children benefit and how it can support parents.
The important role that grandparents play in child care
The important role that grandparents play in child care.