Being a single parent is a full-time job in itself. But when you add in paid work, childcare costs and the elusive concept of self-care to the mix, it can feel like you’re juggling with one hand tied behind your back. So if you’re wondering whether returning to work is financially worth it, how to make time for yourself or what flexible work rights you have, you’re not alone.
We’re here to break it all down for you, covering the financial side of working as a single parent, how many hours can you work on single parent payment, the benefits of studying or volunteering and what workplace rights you have to make life a little easier.
Returning to work: Is it financially viable?
Regardless of whether you’re partnered or single, the cost of childcare can have a huge impact on your take-home pay. But if your family is relying on only one income with you as the sole provider, you’ll probably feel the impact even more so. That said, there are a number of government payments, including the Parenting Payment, Child Care Subsidy (CCS) and the Family Tax Benefit (FTB), that are designed to help families with the cost of raising children and childcare fees. These government initiative often include single parent support payments especially for solo parents.
Before you can receive these government payments, you’ll need to meet the relevant eligibility requirements, which you can find on the Services Australia website. The amount of help you can receive also depends on your circumstances, like your income and activity levels. But exactly how many hours can you work and still get Centrelink single parent payments? Well, that depends on the payment itself and your circumstances.
For example, when it comes to the Parenting Payment as a single parent, the amount you can earn before it starts impacting your payment hinges on how many children you have. Once you hit the income threshold, your payment will decrease by 40 cents for every dollar of income you have over the income amount listed in the table below:
Number of children | Income per fortnight before your payment starts to reduce |
1 | $220.60 |
2 | $245.20 |
3 | $269.80 |
More than 3 | $269.80 plus $24.60 for each extra child |
These income thresholds all depend on the individual payment and your circumstances. At the end of the day, it’s up to you to weigh up the costs and benefits of returning to work and sending your little one to childcare based on your circumstances.
The benefits of work, study and volunteering for single parents
When it comes to work, it’s important to view your job as more than just a paycheque. Unless you’re in a highly toxic work environment, having a job can provide a number of mental and emotional benefits that stem from routine, a sense of purpose and the social connections you foster with your colleagues. Plus, the opportunities for potential career progression and long-term financial security can help to take a load off as a single parent.
In saying that, work isn’t the only way to find purpose. Pursuing further study and finding new ways to develop your skills and knowledge can also be incredibly fulfilling. Not to mention, upskilling and retraining can help to open doors in your career. And while study doesn’t always come cheap, you might be eligible to apply for financial assistance through Austudy depending on your circumstances.
Lastly, if you have time to spare on top of your already busy schedule, volunteering can be another incredibly rewarding pathway. But beyond the opportunity to give back and contribute to a worthy cause, you might also be able to take advantage of potential networking and employment opportunities. Not only does volunteering provide a sense of fulfilment from contributing to the community, but you might also be able to pick up a few skills and connections along the way.
Flexible work rights and single parent parental leave
If you do decide to return to work as a single parent, you might want to consider more flexible working arrangements compared to the traditional 9-5 you might have been used to pre-kids. Here’s a quick look at some of the alternative options available to you.
Understanding your right to flexible work arrangements
Whether you’re single or otherwise, all employees in Australia have the right to request flexible working arrangements if you’ve worked for your employer for at least 12 months. This can include remote of hybrid options, adjusted start and finish times, part-time work or job sharing, compressed work weeks and flexible rostering.
Often, establishing a more flexible work schedule starts with a conversation with your employer. Put your request in writing, detailing how it will work in practice and why it benefits both you and your employer. From here, your employer might come back with an alternative arrangement that still provides flexibility, so be prepared to negotiate until you find a solution that works for both sides.
While employers must consider these requests seriously, they can reject them on "reasonable business grounds." That said, if you feel like your request was unreasonably denied, you can reach out to Fair Work Australia or your union for advice.
Parental leave entitlements for single parents
As a single parent, you’re entitled to take up to 12 months unpaid leave from work after the birth or adoption of your child so long as you’ve worked for your employer for 12 months continuously. While you can request to extend your leave for an extra 12 months, it’s not always possible for your employer to accommodate your wishes.
Not all employers offer paid parental leave, but the Australian Government also offers Parental Leave Pay that entitles you to 20+ weeks of paid leave depending on when your child was born or adopted. To qualify for the government’s Parental Leave Pay, you’ll need to meet a work test, an income threshold and be the primary caregiver for the child.
Tips for prioritising wellbeing as a single parent
Most parents are guilty of prioritising their children above themselves. That said, it’s important to carve out some time for yourself to prioritise your wellbeing, so you can continue to provide for your family. Here’s how:
- Make time for yourself by focusing on your physical health and practicing self-care,
- Set boundaries and learn to say no,
- Build a support network of friends, family and support groups for single parents,
- Embrace flexibility and adaptability, and
- Seek professional help when you need it, including childcare, financial aid and mental health support.
There’s no denying that balancing work, childcare and your own wellbeing as a single parent is challenging, but it’s not impossible. Take the time to explore your options when it comes to flexible work arrangements and government support. And if you’re after a little more infor on childcare and single parent support, be sure to check out our collection of blogs and resources at Care for Kids.