How Late Can I Pick Up My Child? 5 Tips On Childcare Pickup

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There may be times when picking up your kids late from school or childcare is unavoidable. Picking up your child late from childcare doesn’t just impact the staff, but it can also affect your little one. 

If you know you’re going to be late to collect your child from childcare, there are steps you should take as a parent or guardian. Here’s what you need to know about picking up your little one late from childcare.

What’s the norm with late pick ups at childcare?

When it comes to picking up your child from childcare, most childcare providers have set operating hours, generally from 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM. With that said, these hours can vary, so it’s important to check with your specific provider. 

Ultimately, if you’re late to collect your child from childcare, it can have a domino effect on both your childcare provider and even your child.

How late pick ups impact childcare providers

While picking up your child a few minutes late from time to time might not seem like a big deal, when you factor multiple parents and children into the equation, tardiness can quickly become a significant problem for childcare providers. 

Late childcare pick ups can have operational and financial implications for many childcare providers. If you’re not able to collect your child on time, chances are staff members will need to stay back past their scheduled working hours until you’re able to collect your child. This leads to overtime pay and can even contribute to staff potential burnout if they’re often kept back late at work. 

These extended working hours quickly add up and then trickle onto the operational costs for the childcare provider. Not only do they have to cover overtime pay for their staff to keep their facilities open longer, but they may also need to cover additional utilities and other operational expenses. Not to mention, implementing and managing late pick up fees can be a drain on administrative resources who need to keep track of late pick ups and update their billing accordingly.

Late pick ups can also impact the work-life balance of staff. Most staff members will have their own personal commitments and plans outside of work hours. If your late to collect your child, they may miss out on their own commitments, which can disrupt their work-life balance, leading to frustration and decreased job satisfaction.

How late pick ups impact your child 

Late pick ups can also have a significant impact on your child. If your child is left alone at childcare for longer than expected, it can lead to feelings of stress, anxiety, insecurity and frustration. 

Consistent late pickups can disrupt a child's routine, leading to more stress or anxiety. Children thrive on routine and knowing what to expect. So if you’re not able to collect them on time it can make it challenging for them to predict when they'll be reunited with you at the end of the day. Consistent late pickups can eat away at the trust between you and your child, as they could start to doubt whether you will keep your promises to be there on time.

As a little on, it should come as no surprise that seeing their peers being picked up on time while they remain in care can make them feel neglected or anxious. Your child might feel left out or different from their friends if they're consistently the last ones to be picked up. Ultimately, this could affect their social interactions and sense of belonging. While extra time with their childcare educator can be positive, it can also strain the child-educator relationship if the educator is stressed or in a hurry.

If your child is often collected late from childcare, they may start using coping strategies to help them deal with the situation. Some children may develop coping mechanisms to deal with late pickups. You might notice them becoming more self-reliant or withdrawing emotionally to protect themselves from disappointment. Others may exhibit attention-seeking behavior in an attempt to get your attention when you finally arrive, especially if they've been waiting for a long time. In some cases, children may regress in their development or exhibit regression behaviours as a response to the stress and uncertainty caused by late pickups.

Late pick up policies

Most childcare providers will have a late pick up policy and procedure in place in the event you’re not able to collect your child on time. You can often view their policy on their website. Alternatively, you can request a copy directly from your childcare service.

In some cases, you may be let off the hook the first time you’re late to pick up your child, but if you’re a repeat offender, chances are you’ll be charged a late pick up fee. These fees can quickly add up, which is why they’re often used as a deterrent. Consistent lateness could even result in discussions with the administration of your childcare, which could impact your child's enrollment.

Late collection policies and procedures often vary across different childcare providers, so it’s important to familiarise yourself with your provider's rules and policies when it comes to late pick ups.

Tips on childcare pick up

As a parent, it’s important to plan for the unexpected. Here are a few tips you can use when it comes to successful childcare pickup.


1. Plan ahead

If you know you’ve got a busy day and a late pick up is likely, take steps ahead of time to organise a solution. Is there someone else who could pick up your child instead?

2. Establish emergency contacts

Most childcare providers require you to provide emergency contacts in the event they’re not able to get a hold of you. Make sure your emergency contacts are up to date in the case of an emergency.

3. Have a backup plan

Have a backup plan in place in the event you’re not able to pick up your child on time. Arrange for a trusted friend or relative to pick up your child if you’re delayed.

4. Choose a childcare provider that suits your schedule

If you work long or irregular hours, it’s important to find a childcare provider that suits your individual needs. Many childcare centres offer extended hours of operation to suit working families. Alternatively, you may need to explore other types of childcare services that are better suited to your needs. 

5. Embrace open communication

When it comes to childcare drop off and pick up times, it’s important to communicate with your little one if there’s a change of plan. Maintaining open communication with your child about pickup times and reassuring them that you’ll be there to collect them a little later than usual can help alleviate feelings of stress or anxiety. 

While we’re on the topic of communication, it’s also important to maintain communication with your childcare provider if you’re running late for any reason. Give them a quick courtesy call to let them know of your change of circumstances. In some cases, you may be able to adjust your child’s childcare booking to account for a couple of extra hours. 

Most childcare operators understand that situations may arise that mean you pick up your kids from school or childcare late, but it’s important not to make a habit of it.

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