Educator in the spotlight: Ebonie Trotter
Published on Tuesday, 27 April 2021
Last updated on Wednesday, 08 December 2021

The Australian early childhood sector is comprised of a range of people with diverse personal and professional experiences, but with one goal in common, to do their best to provide high quality early education and care experiences for young children.
Every month we shine the spotlight on an outstanding educator to showcase the wonderful work happening within our community. This week Ebonie Trotter from Willow Early Learning Centre Mudgeeraba.
What is your full name and where do you work?
Hello, my name is Ebonie. I have many different nicknames from many children. Eb, Ebs, Ennie to name just a few of my favourites. I am turning 22 but feel so much younger when working with the 3-year-olds.
I work at Willow Early Learning Centre, Mudgeeraba, Queensland, and we have about 30 staff, and about 120 children.
What is your professional background and career experience?
I have been studying/working in child care since 2016 so I am relevantly new to the field. I started as a student in my last year of high school and then worked as a casual at the service I studied at. I then took some time off to find what path I wanted to take and looked into university of many different courses including teaching, forensic science, and even looked into travelling overseas to teach.
I then found Willow and decided to apply for a job, as it seemed like an amazing place. That was just over three years ago, and I have loved it ever since with no plans to change fields anytime soon, as I love working with and alongside the little ones and my team. I have recently been promoted to Lead Educator in the Junior Kindy room, which I am loving every day.
What attracted you to a career in the early childhood sector?
Ever since I was in year four at nine years old, I have been interested in working with children. Even though I have looked into different fields all throughout my schooling time, I always came back to working with children.
I love working with child care aged children as I love to see them learning and growing within their time here, as well as seeing their imaginations bloom as they explore throughout their days. While working in the early education sector, my knowledge has become so much broader and I am still learning new things every day from my team, research, and the children.
What does a 'normal' day look like for you?
I do not think there is ever a 'normal' day as I like to change things up, be different and open up different avenues for exploration. My favourite part of my day though is when I walk in the door and I am greeted with hugs and smiles from the little ones.
What makes your room and environment unique?
I try not to make it only my room, because it isn’t I hope for anyone that walks into the room, to believe their voices, thoughts and ideas are heard and we try to incorporate these into the day and environment.
This includes myself, my team, the children, the families and also the community around us. I believe that this creates a more welcoming environment and makes anyone feel more confident about what they are thinking.
What are some of the advantages of working in early childhood education and care?
I believe the biggest advantage of working in early childhood is the extra training and learning. I believe that I never stop learning and I aim to learning something new every day. Any opportunities I am offered, I always try out as it can broaden my approach and knowledge to the environments and service.
What are some of the biggest challenges you face?
As I am quite new to becoming a Lead Educator, I seem to doubt myself and overthink a lot of things. I always try to do my best, but sometimes I think it is not enough. I try to work hard and gain knowledge and ideas from those around me, but sometimes it doesn't seem to work.
How have you adapted to these challenges?
As I am new to the field, I have an Educator with me who has been working with children for many years, and I thank her every day for always helping me and making me more confident within myself.
I have lowered my stress and doubts by having discussions with those around me. I have started to write down checklists and to do lists as I feel this keeps me on track and I am not forgetting anything.
Anytime I doubt myself, I always look to those around me for advice and ideas. Everyone is always so positive, and it helps me to feel more confident within my work and myself.
What advice would you offer someone thinking about a career or looking for a promotion in early childhood education and care?
I would just say to be yourself. I always aim to be myself (even if I am a little crazy at times) as this demonstrates that you don't have to be like everyone else as that can be boring. As I have recently taken on a promotion, I would say take any opportunity given to you. I wasn't sure about taking the promotion at first but after having a discussion with our Centre Manager, she felt that I was ready and she thought I would do an amazing job, and here I am a little over eight months later, and I am loving it.
I just want to thank my family, friends, and team for the push I need to take leaps, as I have become more confident within myself, my work, and my knowledge within the world around me and my field.
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