CCS calculator enhancements
Published on Tuesday, 26 October 2021
Last updated on Wednesday, 08 December 2021

The government has announced a number of changes to the Child Care Subsidy (CCS), which it says will make early learning more affordable for families.
While these changes were announced in the 2021-2022 budget, they are being implemented earlier than initially announced to remove some of the barriers to participation in paid work.
· From 10 December 2021 the annual cap is being removed for all families who are eligible to receive CCS
· From 7 March 2022 families with more than one child in care will receive a higher subsidy.
In line with these changes, we have enhanced the CCS Calculator to offer parents an estimation of their child care fees once these new discounts have been taken into account.
More accurate information for parents will make it easier for them to plan and budget for their child care for December and beyond, and this is great news for early education providers as cheaper child care is likely to boost occupancy rates.
We know one of the biggest barriers to families accessing care is affordability, and by ensuring parents have accurate, up-to-date information about cost we hope to help you fill vacancies fast and increase occupancy rates.
Check out the enhanced Child Care Subsidy Calculator here and while you’re at it why not send the link through to families in your service?
The calculator is super easy to use and after answering a few simple questions families will have a good approximation of their out of pocket costs.
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