The hundred languages of children now open in Melbourne
Published on Tuesday, 07 March 2017
Last updated on Wednesday, 19 August 2020

A travelling exhibition showcasing the Reggio Emilia approach to education through photography, paintings, drawings, words and photography has opened at the Guardian Early Learning Group’s new Pedagogical Exchange in Richmond Victoria.
The Hundred Languages of Children exhibition, which has been travelling the world for 35 years, documents the capabilities of children as seen through the pedagogical journey of the infant and toddler centres and preschools of Reggio Emilia, Italy and is described as a visual testament to children’s potential as scientists, inventors, authors and artists.
According to the Reggio Emilia Australia Information Exchange the exhibition, now in its 5th edition, tells the unfinished story of the experiences, thoughts, discussion, theoretical research, ethical and social ideals of many generations of children, teachers and parents from Reggio Emilia. The story unfolds through the representations of projects carried out on a variety of topics and subject areas.
The Guardian Early Learning Group is running a series of educational workshops and events about the Reggio approach at the same time the exhibition is running. These include 3-hour evening events, introductory full-day workshops on the Reggio philosophy, and advanced workshops for people wishing to extend their practice and informal open days for self-guided viewing of the exhibition.
The exhibition is open from February to July and the Guardian Early Learning Group says it will donate the proceeds of entrance fees to finance a scholarship for one or more educators working with indigenous children to attend an International Study Tour at the Loris Malaguzzi International Centre in Reggio Emilia Italy.
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