Spread the word support children's day 2017
Published on Tuesday, 01 August 2017
Last updated on Thursday, 22 October 2020

This week, Friday August 4, is National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children's Day.
This important celebration offers an opportunity for all Australians to show their support for Aboriginal children, as well as learn about the crucial impact that community, culture and family play in the life of every Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander child.
2017 marks the 30th year of National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children's Day, which is organised by the Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care (SNAICC), and the theme for this year's event is Value Our Rights, Respect Our Culture, Bring Us Home.
SNAICC says this year Children's Day theme recognises the 20th anniversary of the Bringing them Home Report and the many benefits children experience when they are raised with strong connections to family and culture.
Published in 1997, the seminal Bringing them Home Report exposed the violations of fundamental human rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, families and communities through the policies and practices of the Stolen Generations.
SNAICC have suggested a range of ways for early childhood providers to recognise and be involved in this special day such as:
- Arrange for children to create their own paintings and artwork about the Children's Day theme and display them for everyone to enjoy.
- Organise an open day or morning tea for people to share.
- Arrange for kids to do culturally relevant activities.
- Promote the achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people in your local community through young achiever awards.
- Bring Elders, families and their children together in your service for storytelling and cultural activities.
- Have a flag raising ceremony with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags.
- Hold a fete or fund raising activity for children in your community.
- Organise sporting events or competitions for children and young people.
- Invite local leaders, politicians and Elders to spend some time at your service
For more information and how to register your event click here.
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