Approaches To Early Childhood Education

The Japanese “hands-off” approach to conflict management
This article describes mimamoru the Japanese approach to discipline in early learning settings which relies on educators being hands -off and permitting and waiting for children to solve their conflicts between themselves.

The powerful language of encouragement
Encouraging language and why it is more effective than praise for motivating children in early education settings.

Early learning in nature
The benefits of nature play for young children in early learning settings and how educators offer these opportunities to children.

Social and emotional learning
Why early education settings are the ideal environment for children to gain skills in social and emotional learning and strategies for educators to scaffold learning.

Talking to families about ‘hidden treasures’ of child’s play
How educators can share the benefits of play based learning with parents to support children’s wellbeing.

Spark joy and learning with interactive read-alouds
Six ideas for educators seeking to maximise the learning opportunities of reading sessions with children.

Active Early Learning curriculum
The AEL curriculum and how it aims to boost children’s physical activity levels as well as understanding why it is important and how it improves long term outcomes.

NLP in early education
Neuro-linguistic programming and three NLP techniques that can be easily applied in early education settings.

Reflecting on Jean Piaget’s theory and influence
Jean Piaget’s approach to early education describes his philosophy and theoretical underpinnings and considers the impact on modern early education pedagogies.

The educational angle on Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences
This article describes Gardner’s theory of Multiple Intelligences, which challenges the idea of a single IQ and suggests there are variety of different intelligences, each which require a different style of teaching.

Keeping animals in early childhood settings
Interaction with animals offers children a range of developmental opportunities and benefits. Learn about the range of services available to give children this experience without committing to a centre pet.

Could your future career be intergenerational care?
The benefits of inter-generational care and how qualifications could grow their numbers.

Partnering with parents to bridge the ‘word gap’
Early childhood services have an important role in supporting the language development skills of children and bridging the word gap.

Six strategies to help children transition through their day
In a single day, young children do a lot of transitions. It’s the time, where under teacher direction, children move as a group between activities and routines and it can sometimes be very challenging.

How critical reflection can guide learning in your service
How reflective practice in early childhood education sets the stage for critical reflection and constant improvement.

Hit the creative play button with loose parts
The magic and developmental benefits of loose parts play for preschoolers.

Anji Play - Radical joy in early childhood education
Anji Kindergarten Play Education was developed in China and is game changing in terms of child engagement and educational equity.

Using nature to nurture on Outdoor Classroom Day
Join the big kids this November 7 for Outdoor Classroom Day, a global campaign to embrace the fun and benefits of getting outside to play and learn.

The Abecedarian Approach - Can it really change the world?
School readiness is an important objective of early education, but there's more riding on it than the benefits to individual children.

A close look at intentional teaching
Intentional teaching is a term used frequently in relation to early childhood education, but what is it exactly, and can any educators or carers incorporate it into their program?

Animals in early learning settings - What you need to know
Animals provide a great opportunity for children to learn about responsibility, through handling, feeding and cleaning them and they can also be a valuable source of inspiration for the curriculum.

Beth Borowsky - How yoga benefits children
Yoga expert and qualified early childhood educator, Beth Borowsky from KarmaKidsYoga and The Karma Class explain the benefits of yoga for young children.

Lose the Shoes - How children can benefit from barefoot learning
Why barefoot learning is beneficial, and a few tips for how to safely manage no shoes in your centre.

Worldwide boom in intergenerational care programs
Intergenerational care can fill social gaps for both the young and the elderly, offering children an opportunity to learn while supporting older people in feeling energised and less socially isolated.

Moon squirters and broccoli trees - The power of child focused language
Using child focused language to promote healthy eating.

What Australia can learn from the Finnish HEI System
Why the Finnish approach to education is always top of the class.

The anti-bias approach in early childhood education
Anti-bias education is an approach designed to increase understanding of differences and their value to a respectful and civil society, and to actively challenge bias, stereotyping and discrimination.

Why risky play is important for young children
Providing safe opportunities for risky play in early childhood settings.

Child's play - Three theories you may not know
Three little-known approaches to children's development.

The benefits of mindfulness for young children
The benefits of mindfulness practice for children in early learning services and simple ideas to try.

Nature play for services in the city
Growing appreciation of the importance of wild play and nature-based experiences has caused a surge in the number of forest schools and early childhood services offering natural and 'risky' outdoor play.

Want creative, curious, healthier children? Let them play
Early childhood educators have great understanding of the importance of play for young children and appreciate that play based learning builds the foundation for early skills in literacy, STEM, communication and more.

Making the connection
Sue McLaren, Director and Research Coordinator of the Animal Fun Program, at Curtin University discusses the connection between a child's motor development and their social and emotional health.

Growing healthy minds - Ideas for educators
Social and emotional skills are important for good mental health, wellbeing and learning. There are core social and emotional skills that children of different ages develop through their relationships and everyday experiences with others.

ELLA for Early Learning
The government has expanded funding for the Early Learning Languages Program (ELLA) into a larger number of early learning settings to make it possible for more children to experience a second language.

Outside sleeping, staying safe and resting well
The advantages of sleeping outside for children in care and how to offer this safely and successfully.

The Steiner approach to early childhood education and care
An intro to the Steiner approach to early childhood education is an approach based on the teachings of Rudolf Steiner, who sought to identify links between science and spirituality and who founded anthroposophy.

Steiner in practice - Honeybee Cottage
A visit to Honeybee Cottage, a Steiner School in practice.

Study shows Montessori preschool boosts academic results
Children in Montessori preschools show improved academic performance and social understanding, while enjoying their school work more, according to the first longitudinal study of Montessori outcomes.

Researchers reveal the magic 8 preschool practices
Researchers reveal the magic 8 preschool practices.

Power to the (little) people
A kindergarten in Germany is running a mini democracy and giving the children who attend a say in the day-to-day operation of the service via a representative voting system.

Intergenerational care, how it works and who it benefits
Intergenerational care, how it works and who it benefits.

Know your trade The Froebel Approach
Know your trade The Froebel Approach.

Relationships, resilience and risk KU Annual Conference 2017
Relationships, resilience and risk KU Annual Conference 2017.

Prescription for developing a child's mind: E4Kids study
Prescription for developing a child's mind: E4Kids study.

The Pikler Approach to optimal early childhood development
The Pikler Approach to optimal early childhood development.

Nurturing a love for STEM in the early years: KU Mayfield Preschool
Nurturing a love for STEM in the early years: KU Mayfield Preschool.

Promoting language development in babies
Promoting language development in babies.