Nurtured By Em

30 Creighton Drive, Medowie, NSW, 2318
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 7:30am-4pm
Licensed for N/A Children

Nurtured By Em Centre overview

Welcome to Nurtured By Em

I have been working in the early childhood sector for more than 8 years now, driven by an innate passion to educate and care for young people, and it gives me pride to know that I succeed in this.

My goal as an Early Childhood Educator is to provide children with an environment where they feel safe to explore and initiate play and learning, which is something that resonates with the Reggio Emilia philosophy and the idea that the environment supports children’s learning as the Third Teacher.

I believe children are motivated to learn and develop when they are provided with opportunity to embrace rich environments, and that they succeed in their development when they are given choices, responsibilities and opportunities to initiate their own learning.

I believe children learn, explore and extend on their learning best through play, especially when given the opportunity to explore natural, open-ended resources.

Being able to add to children’s foundational knowledge and skills is something I take pride in, but it also excites me not knowing what is waiting for me in the future and where this passion will drive me to.

Fees & Vacancies

How Nurtured By Em compares with Medowie, 2318
Nurtured By Em
NQS Rating


30 Creighton Drive
Medowie, NSW, 2318
Scheme's National Quality Standard Rating
Overall Meeting
Educational Program and Practice Meeting
Children's Health and Safety Meeting
Physical environment Meeting
Staffing Arrangements Meeting
Relationships with children Meeting
Collaborative partnerships with families and communities Meeting
Governance and leadership Meeting

Centre Reviews

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