WHFDC Family Day Care

61 Tranters Avenue, Camp Hill, QLD, 4152
Monday to Friday 6.30am to 6pm
Licensed for N/A Children

WHFDC Family Day Care Centre overview

Welcome to WHFDC Family Day Care

Hi my name is Tony, my wife and I have been running Family Day Care businesses in Camp Hill for over 10 years and we love to support our childcare families. I have a Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care, National Police check, Blue Card, First Aid qualified, and fully insured with Family Day Care Australia. Married for 36 years I'm a Dad of 5 and Grandfather of 3 and in my spare time play representative hockey.

I specialise in caring for 2-5 Year Olds, supporting them in developing: 

* life skills eg. self care

* interpersonal relationships

* building independence

* school preparation 

I look forward to meeting you to discuss your family's childcare requirements with you.

You can call or text me on 0421 605 407 and my email is whiteshillfdc@gmail.com

Kind regards 


Fees & Vacancies


WHFDC Family Day Care Service features

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WHFDC Family Day Care service include:

How WHFDC Family Day Care compares with Camp Hill, 4152
WHFDC Family Day Care
Camp Hill
NQS Rating


61 Tranters Avenue
Camp Hill, QLD, 4152
Scheme's National Quality Standard Rating
Overall Exceeding
Educational Program and Practice Meeting
Children's Health and Safety Meeting
Physical environment Meeting
Staffing Arrangements Exceeding
Relationships with children Exceeding
Collaborative partnerships with families and communities Exceeding
Governance and leadership Exceeding

Centre Reviews

This service currently doesn't have any Reviews.