Bask Early Learning Springwood

232 Springwood Rd, Springwood, QLD, 4127
4.0 Average score
Monday to Friday 6am to 6pm, 6am to 6pm, Monday to Friday, Monday to Friday
Licensed for 140 Children

Bask Early Learning Springwood Centre overview

Welcome to Bask Early Learning Springwood

At Bask Early Learning, we recognise that children need the embrace of community and room for individuality. We all need our curiosity sparked, just as much as we all may need a hand to hold. When we have the right elements (which will be unique to each of us!) in the right measure, we thrive!

In our centres, we strive to provide these right elements in the right measure to everyone who walks through our door so Team members, children and families thrive and grow.

Fees & Vacancies


Bask Early Learning Springwood Service features

See more (5)

Bask Early Learning Springwood service include:

How Bask Early Learning Springwood compares with Springwood, 4127
Bask Early Learning Springwood
NQS Rating


232 Springwood Rd
Springwood, QLD, 4127
National Quality Standard Rating
Overall Meeting
Educational Program and Practice Meeting
Children's Health and Safety Meeting
Physical environment Meeting
Staffing Arrangements Meeting
Relationships with children Meeting
Collaborative partnerships with families and communities Meeting
Governance and leadership Meeting

Centre Reviews

4.0 (21 Reviews)
4.0 All sources (21)
Google (21)

My son had been attending here almost 2years and loves being there. He had made great friends and great connections with the educators.... Read more

Would recommend to a friend
morgan hosking
Aug, 2022
Gül Gürbüz image
Gül Gürbüz
Jun, 2022
Kemal Poyraz image
Kemal Poyraz
May, 2022