I've always loved and worked with children, doing various roles such as Nanny, float, assistant, Team Leader and 2IC. I've raised 3 wonderful people, and have been blessed with 2 Grandchildren. I care, guide and educate children as I would want to be educated and cared for. We focus on kindness and care and find the joy in everything, from watching ants Adventure, threading, books in a blanket cubby. We learn each day but it's disguised as fun and play. We do various movement programs, as we find them, Cosmic Yoga and Body Groove just to name a few. And we love to cook all together, smelling and tasting the ingredients before we try the finished product. I provide all meals that the children choose from the picture on my fridge of the food groups, or we cook something we all agree on that is healthy and delicious. Platters are very popular. I use Appsessment (an App for documenting your child's day) recording you child's development and where next we need to explore to extend this learning. I try to guide and nurture behaviours away from unacceptable to acceptable but quiet conversation and empathy, but when needed I am firm but fair and don't ever use physical or emotional punishment to do this. Feel free to contact me at angiescheekymonkeys@hotmail.com with any questions you may have. Thank you for reading 🌻