My Place Family Day Care with Peta Paz

Registered with My Place Family Day Care Service, Springfield, QLD, 4300
Licensed for N/A Children

My Place Family Day Care with Peta Paz Centre overview

Welcome to My Place Family Day Care with Peta Paz

I believe in creating a home away from home and making sure the children develop in a relaxed and safe environment. I also encourage the involvement of parents or guardians into the planning of my program, and encourage them to take part in any day care activities and training, as they wish.

My husband and I have been married for 20 years and have 2 beautiful teenage children; a son 17 years and a daughter 14 years. They both attend West Moreton Anglican College, Karabin. I am passionate about childcare and have a Diploma and Cert III in Children’s Service.
I love caring for children as young as a couple of months and up to 5 years of age, and I especially enjoy the experience of sharing with my children in my care, special outings to places like Mt Cootha Story Time, Redbank Plains Library, Scheme Playgroup Day's and meeting up with other Educators and their children in care at their homes.

‘My Place’ is a service within Inala Community House, who has since 1966, been enriching the lives of thousands of children and families, making it one of Queensland’s most experienced and respected not for profit, based provider. Progressive and dynamic, they have never stopped being a leader in a long and impressive history in providing community programs and services. As a provider they strongly believe that every family should be able to access affordable, high quality early childhood education and care for their children. If you are happy with what you have read please contact me. I don't always have vacancies; I do however have a waiting list. If I cannot help you I will direct you back to the central office (07) 33721711, and one of our experienced coordinators, will endeavor to match an educator to suit your needs. Thank you for your time, and I wish you success in finding care for your child.

Fees & Vacancies

My Place Family Day Care with Peta Paz Service features

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My Place Family Day Care with Peta Paz service include:

How My Place Family Day Care with Peta Paz compares with Springfield, 4300
My Place Family Day Care with Peta Paz
Working towards
NQS Rating


Registered with My Place Family Day Care Service
Springfield, QLD, 4300
Scheme's National Quality Standard Rating
Overall Working towards
Educational Program and Practice Working towards
Children's Health and Safety Meeting
Physical environment Meeting
Staffing Arrangements Meeting
Relationships with children Meeting
Collaborative partnerships with families and communities Meeting
Governance and leadership Working towards

Centre Reviews

This service currently doesn't have any Reviews.