Little Oz Kids Family Day Care Scheme

22 Granada Place, Oakhurst, NSW, 2761
4.0 Average score
9 am to 5 pm (Mon-Friday) 9 am to 2pm (Sat)
Licensed for 0 Children

Little Oz Kids Family Day Care Scheme Centre overview

Welcome to Little Oz Kids Family Day Care Scheme

At Little Oz Kids Family Day Care we recognize that it is in the early years of development that children form who they are as individuals, the foundation on which children base the rest of their lives on. Children are full of potential, confident and capable of building their own theories.
We believe respect for each child and their family is paramount and is expressed through listening, observing, and interacting with families. We recognize that the family is the child’s first and most important teacher. Parents are viewed as partners, collaborators, and advocates for their children. We involve and invite parents into every aspect of the curriculum. We embrace cultural diversity, respecting family’s diverse values, beliefs, cultural backgrounds, traditions, life experiences and knowledge. Families are encouraged to share their culture, language and experiences with Educators and staff.

Fees & Vacancies


Little Oz Kids Family Day Care Scheme Service features

See more (3)

Little Oz Kids Family Day Care Scheme service include:

How Little Oz Kids Family Day Care Scheme compares with Oakhurst, 2761
Little Oz Kids Family Day Care Scheme
Working towards
NQS Rating


22 Granada Place
Oakhurst, NSW, 2761
National Quality Standard Rating
Overall Working towards
Educational Program and Practice Working towards
Children's Health and Safety Working towards
Physical environment Meeting
Staffing Arrangements Meeting
Relationships with children Meeting
Collaborative partnerships with families and communities Meeting
Governance and leadership Working towards

Centre Reviews

4.0 (8 Reviews)
4.0 All sources (8)
Google (8)

Good. One of them in Macquarie Fields really cares for them UNLIKE OTHER DAYCARES

Would recommend to a friend
Aayan Hashim
Apr, 2024

Very professional and prompt scheme keep up the good work.

Bina Mairaj image
Bina Mairaj
Feb, 2020

Had very bad experience with them. Not friendly, not helpful. Always lie. Cannot trust them at all.

Response from the owner 01 Feb 2020

Hi Hanida, we have checked our records and you are neither a parent not educator with us, so how come you are giving this feedback. Anyways have reported you to google .Best of luck !

hanida baker image
hanida baker
Feb, 2020