Welcome to Deadly Kindy Gundoo Mirra!
We’re an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander kindergarten program that focuses on culture, connection and community. We coordinate quality early childhood education and care with our existing ATSICHS Brisbane health and social services such as speech and occupational therapists to ensure our children are thriving in a culturally safe environment. Deadly Kindy sets children up for success in their transition to school.
Deadly Kindy Gundoo Mirra is a kindergarten for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander kids. Our kindys promote community, family, play and culture.
Our playground is an important part of our curriculum. Your children will have the benefit of beautiful playground and natural setting which has been designed to enhance children’s gross motor development. The children observe the lizards that wander into the yard. They learn about the bush tucker garden and participate in gardening experiences throughout the year. They use the seedpods from the trees to count and for craft.
The playground has quiet areas for resting and relaxing and active areas for ball games, climbing, sand play, obstacle courses, swings and much more.
We also have a yarning circle where the kids love to meet to tell stories and read books.