Sprout ELC Wamberal

2 High Valley Cl, Wamberal, NSW, 2260
Licensed for 118 Children

Sprout ELC Wamberal Centre overview

Welcome to Sprout ELC Wamberal

They provide a balanced approach, using holistic, open ended play and intentional teaching. This allows children to take risks, make choices, challenge their knowledge and experiment, developing their agency and confidence. They support the developmental stage of each child using ACECQA’s developmental guide. Educators utilise intentional teaching techniques and the interests of the child to provide rich and meaningful opportunities for children to learn.

The exclusive Learn. Play. Thrive. curriculum is a holistic and unhurried approach capturing the neurodevelopment of each individual child with the integration of the STREAM approach. This stands for Science, Technology, Reading and Writing, Engineering, Art and Math. The goal of STREAM is to increase skills by acquiring fundamental literacy, scientific and mathematical thought processes, in experiences that are purposefully planned and structured to extend and enrich each child’s learning.  They emphasise communication and language development, in both verbal and written forms.

They follow both new and old theoretical pedagogies to ensure a balanced approach suited to the children in their care and ensure inclusive practices.


Fees & Vacancies

How Sprout ELC Wamberal compares with Wamberal, 2260
Sprout ELC Wamberal
NQS Rating


2 High Valley Cl
Wamberal, NSW, 2260
National Quality Standard Rating
Overall Exceeding
Educational Program and Practice Exceeding
Children's Health and Safety Exceeding
Physical environment Exceeding
Staffing Arrangements Exceeding
Relationships with children Exceeding
Collaborative partnerships with families and communities Exceeding
Governance and leadership Exceeding

Centre Reviews

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