Jabiru Waterford West

Waterford West State School - 3-15 John Street, Waterford West, QLD, 4133
6-9am / 2-6pm
Licensed for 66 Children

Jabiru Waterford West Centre overview

Welcome to Jabiru Waterford West

My name is Carladayna and I am the Nominated supervisor for Waterford Wests PCYC School aged care service. PCYC offers a school aged program starting from Prep to Grade 7 that is convenient for the Waterford West community located within the school grounds for children at Waterford west state school.

We provide: Before/After school and Vacation care.
Operating hours: (BSC) 6:00am – 9am (breakfast provided)
(ASC) 2:30pm – 6pm (snack provided).
(VAC) 6.00am – 6pm (Breakfast/Morning and Afternoon snacks provided)

We offer casual and permanent bookings, and families on alternating rostered shifts we can cater to your needs as well and are very flexible. We care about you and your child/ren and want to make sure that care is convenient and affordable for your family when you need us.

We ensure that there is a smooth transition for your child if they are new to the school community or a prep. An Educator drops the children off and picks them up from their individual classrooms.
PCYC community can assist with needs of families if you need extra assistance we are more than happy to help. Your child will learn values and valuable life skills through the programs we offer here at our service.

New family’s enrolling will receive a PCYC membership which entitles you to participate in fun activities at our Crestmead club at a discounted rate.

Our door is always open if you would like to come and participate or have a look around. Feel free to come in for a cup of tea/coffee or a chat. Our PCYC room is located near the school hall and is open between 6:00am to 9:00am or 2:00pm to 6pm weekdays. If you would like more information or to register your child we are more than happy to help. We look forward to seeing you soon.

Thank you for your time.

Carladayna Edwards
Waterford West School Age Care PCYC
Nominated Supervisor
Phone: 0407759048
Email: waterfordwestsac@pcyc.org.au

Fees & Vacancies


Jabiru Waterford West Service features

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How Jabiru Waterford West compares with Waterford West, 4133
Jabiru Waterford West
Waterford West
NQS Rating


Waterford West State School - 3-15 John Street
Waterford West, QLD, 4133
National Quality Standard Rating
Overall Meeting
Educational Program and Practice Meeting
Children's Health and Safety Meeting
Physical environment Meeting
Staffing Arrangements Meeting
Relationships with children Meeting
Collaborative partnerships with families and communities Meeting
Governance and leadership Meeting

Centre Reviews

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