Una Springwood

43 - 47 Murrajong Road, Springwood, Springwood, QLD, 4127
5.0 Average score
Licensed for 116 Children

Una Springwood Centre overview

Welcome to Una Springwood

Welcome to Una Springwood, we are a new centre located on Murrajong Road and attached to the back of Sprinwood Central Primary School. We cater for children from the ages of 6 weeks to 5 years. We have 7 rooms, with 2 Nurseries, 1 Toddlers, 2 Senior Toddlers, 1 Pre-Kindy and 1 Kindergarten. We have very experienced staff with a 4 year qualified ECT running our Kindergarten program. Our Philosophy is all about Rewilding your Childhood, getting back to natutre and exploring. We participate in weekly Intergenerational aged care visits and Hee dee ho music classes. 

Here at Una we provide all nappies, wipes etc, and our meals are prepared fresh everyday on the premises by our very own in house Chef. Our Director has 34 years in the Industry and our Educational Leader has 20 years. 

We have our very own water park/ creek which we utilise on a daily basis, as well as our yarning circle. IIf you are in the area why not pop in and say hi, we would love to meet you and show you around our beautiful centre. 

Fees & Vacancies


Una Springwood Service features

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Una Springwood service include:

How Una Springwood compares with Springwood, 4127
Una Springwood
NQS Rating


43 - 47 Murrajong Road, Springwood
Springwood, QLD, 4127
National Quality Standard Rating
Overall Provisional
Educational Program and Practice Provisional
Children's Health and Safety Provisional
Physical environment Provisional
Staffing Arrangements Provisional
Relationships with children Provisional
Collaborative partnerships with families and communities Provisional
Governance and leadership Provisional

Centre Reviews

5.0 (10 Reviews)
5.0 All sources (10)
Google (10)

Tracey is a wonder woman! So much anxiety about finding childcare and she has been an absolute pleasure to deal with ❤️

Would recommend to a friend
Tahlia Marsh
Dec, 2024

I’m so grateful for this beautiful centre. Each and every team member is kind, considered and highly professional. The centre itself is impeccably... Read more

Matilda Eggert image
Matilda Eggert
Nov, 2024

I visited the centre the other day and I have to say I was absolutely blown away by the stunning layout and cleanliness... Read more

Oxlade Becca image
Oxlade Becca
Nov, 2024