Mary Ranken Child Care Centre
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Mary Ranken Child Care Centre overview
Mary Ranken Child Care Centre has been operating for over thirty years and is a highly respected early education service for children from birth to school age. The centre has 4 rooms, 0-2yrs, 2-3yrs, 3-4yrs, and a specific School Readiness Program for 4-5yr olds with an Early Childhood Teacher. The large outdoor area is spacious and has real grass for running, a rock pit, gravel, mud and logs for creating and overhead sprinklers for water play and watering the lawns for sustainability. The children garden and recycle and go on lots of excursions into the community. The professional team of staff attend regular workshops and training and are qualified with Diplomas, Child Protection and their First Aid. We welcome visitors to the centre at any time, call in and have a chat with the Director of 30 Cherie, and she will show you around the Centre.
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Sugargums, Tafe Grounds, Hunter StreetGunnedah, NSW, 2380