Koolyangarra Kindergarten and Pre-School

29 Boyne Crescent, Gladstone, QLD, 4680
5.0 Average score
Weekdays | 8:30 am to 2:45 am
Licensed for 25 Children

Koolyangarra Kindergarten and Pre-School Centre overview

Welcome to Koolyangarra Kindergarten and Pre-School

Welcome to Koolyangarra Kindergarten. Where Children & Families come first

Our kindy has a long tradition in quality early childhood education & care. To build genuine partnerships we believe it is important that staff value children and their families. Staff listen to parents and appreciate the ongoing support of families who give their time and skills generously.

Koolyangarra Kindergarten aims to engage children & families in a sense of community, cooperation and collaboration. We encourage famlies to become actively involved in the centre. Your involvement will enrich your child’s learning experiences and promote positive self-esteem.


The idea of Koolyangarra was formed in November 1971 where a meeting was held and a committee established to further develop the idea of a new kindergarten in Gladstone. The first group started in 1973 and the centre has never looked back. Forever on, committees and families have worked together to continue the wonderful tradition of Koolyangarra with it now being one of the best resourced centres in Gladstone and we would add anywhere. Once you have attended the centre you become a part of the “Koolyangarra Family” and we are so fortunate that past families and children still continue to pop in to check out how the centre has changed over the years.

Not for profit

Koolyangarra Kindergarten is a community based association, with all profits reinvested to benefit the Children and the community. Unlike private centres, or other corporate childcare services who must make profits for shareholder’s, our centre is not for profit or gain of individual members and the Association’s constitution prohibits it from making financial distributions to its members. This association and it assets are owned by the parent body which elects management committee each year to operate the centre effectively.

Affiliation with The Gowrie

Koolyangarra is affiliated with The Gowrie (QLD) Inc.  As a leader for over 70 years in early childhood programs, their advice and services are sought by many stakeholders, with attendance on many forums in both the Government and Early Childhood sectors. The Gowrie is particularly known for innovative and flexible practice, integrated service provision, meaningful partnerships with parents and evidence based practice. The Gowrie continues to be recognised in the broader community and the Government sector as a provider of high quality services for both children and families, acknowledging the contribution to education and care in all programs.

The Gowrie acts as our central governing body and it is through them that we receive our government operational funding. As a centre we are very proud of the high standards we achieve and the Gowrie philosophy, policies and procedures that align with and underpin our practice. A Gowrie Education and Care consultant works closely with staff and committee members at all times.

Fees & Vacancies


Koolyangarra Kindergarten and Pre-School Service features

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Koolyangarra Kindergarten and Pre-School service include:

How Koolyangarra Kindergarten and Pre-School compares with Gladstone, 4680
Koolyangarra Kindergarten and Pre-School
NQS Rating


29 Boyne Crescent
Gladstone, QLD, 4680
National Quality Standard Rating
Overall Exceeding
Educational Program and Practice Exceeding
Children's Health and Safety Exceeding
Physical environment Exceeding
Staffing Arrangements Exceeding
Relationships with children Exceeding
Collaborative partnerships with families and communities Exceeding
Governance and leadership Exceeding

Centre Reviews

5.0 (3 Reviews)
5.0 All sources (3)
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Would recommend to a friend
Brendon Hunt
Jan, 2024

Beautiful Kindergarten

Cassandra Hobbs image
Cassandra Hobbs
Sep, 2021

Both my children have attended Koolyangarra and thoroughly enjoyed it. The centre is so inviting and have amazing resources for the children... Read more

Lisa Bell image
Lisa Bell
Jan, 2016