
Little Feet Big Steps Family Day Care

Fees & Availability

$165 N/A
Vacancies Avg. price/day Approved places

Family Day Care

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6 wks to 5 yrs

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
Fees Approved service for CCS
Price $14 - $19 /hour
Fee includes Education & Developmental Programs


Please note that NQS assessment and rating in family day Care is based on a broader scope. A select few are chosen to represent a large cohort of educators and is not always reflective of individual educators and their personal practices. See below Quality rating that I participated in 2010 - EXCEEDING

Here, at Little Feet Big Steps Family Day Care it is my belief that all children have the right to learn and develop in a safe and nurturing environment.

An environment that places emphasis on play-based learning and nature play.

An environment which allows children to explore, imagine, create, discover and learn.

An environment which promotes curiosity and encourages children to take risks and challenge themselves both physically and cognitively, whilst acknowledging each child’s individual capabilities and competencies.

An environment that nurture’s and supports children’s wellbeing, allowing their social and emotional development to build and flourish.

An environment which allows them to explore relationships with their natural environments and build understanding of the importance of sustainability.

And finally, an environment that is loving and welcoming to both children and their families, values relationships and recognises parents as their child’s first teachers.

I am committed to providing such an environment, and continuing to reflect, change and improve all areas to support positive learning outcomes for all children.

Parallel to the environment is my program, which is strength based and reflective of the ‘whole child,’ their interests, culture, family and their connectedness to the communities they live in.

Through the implementation of both spontaneous and intentional activities and experiences, children are supported to develop creativity, problem solve and construct their own learning.


Service Features

Local Primary School Connections
Sustainability Focus
Shaded Outdoor Area
Parent Communication App
Outdoor Playground
Nature-Based Play
Local Community Excursions
Community Connection
SunSmart Aware
Educational & Developmental Programs


Inclusion Support Officer - Gowrie SA, inclusion Support Program
24/4/2017 to 5/4/2019
Room Leader - Jamestown Community Childrens Centre
3/2/2014 to 21/4/2017
Educator/Director - Hope's Family Day Care - Bright Futures Family Day Care Scheme
1/10/2007 to 17/7/2012
  • Participant in NQS rating assessment in 2010acheiving overall rating of EXCEEDING


Current: Diploma of Children's Services - In Progress

Services - what are the different

  • Family Day Care


  • Pink map marker icon Registered with DECD - Central Metro Family Day Care Laura, SA, 5480
  • Get directions icon Get Directions
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Scheme's National Quality Standard Rating

What the National Quality Standard Ratings mean for families
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Overall Working towards
Educational Program and Practice Working towards
Children's Health and Safety Meeting
Physical environment Meeting
Staffing Arrangements Meeting
Relationships with children Meeting
Collaborative partnerships with families and communities Meeting
Governance and leadership Meeting
NQS rating last updated 19-Dec-2024. NQS rating applies to the service and not to the individual/educator.

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