Green Kids Early Learning Endeavour Hills

18 Cristata Ave, Endeavour Hills, VIC, 3802
5.0 Average score
Jenny- 9-1pm Tuesday and Friday. Sudha- Monday-Friday 9:30-2:30pm Visit the Centre anytime during opening hours 6:30 am -6:30pm
Licensed for 25 Children

Green Kids Early Learning Endeavour Hills Centre overview

Welcome to Green Kids Early Learning Endeavour Hills

We are a small ,family orientated Centre. We cater for up to 25 children on any given day.

Our Educators are dedicated to providing quality, Early Learning Childhood Care. We have consistent Educators 

who are well known to our families and children.

Our Centre is open from Monday to Friday from 6:30am until 6:30pm . We are closed on all Public Holidays.

Our Centre has recently been completely renovated with all new equipment, furniture and resources purchased.

We have also added  outdoor play equipment , such as a wooden cubby house and a new sandpit .  The outdoor natural environment is our next work 

in progress which will include the children( with the guidance of the Educators) plant and develop garden beds.

We have safe  off the street parking for both staff and parents.

All meals and snacks are provided. Nappies are also supplied. 

We run a non-sessional Kindergarten program  5days a week. This is Government approved and funded. It is run by a qualified Kindergarten Teacher.

Our fees are $92 per day or $435 ($87) per week for 5 days.


Fees & Vacancies


Green Kids Early Learning Endeavour Hills Service features

See more (5)

Green Kids Early Learning Endeavour Hills service include:

How Green Kids Early Learning Endeavour Hills compares with Endeavour Hills, 3802
Green Kids Early Learning Endeavour Hills
Endeavour Hills
NQS Rating


18 Cristata Ave
Endeavour Hills, VIC, 3802
National Quality Standard Rating
Overall Meeting
Educational Program and Practice Meeting
Children's Health and Safety Meeting
Physical environment Meeting
Staffing Arrangements Meeting
Relationships with children Meeting
Collaborative partnerships with families and communities Meeting
Governance and leadership Meeting

Centre Reviews

5.0 (9 Reviews)
5.0 All sources (9)
# 5.0 Care for Kids (1)
Google (8)

I tried multiple different childcare centres and found this one to be the most homely and family environment staff is friendly and Read more

Would recommend to a friend
Ultima Music
Aug, 2024

My 8mo has just started here and the staff have been amazing. From helping him settle to feeding him and engaging him, they... Read more

Vidya Nelaturi image
Vidya Nelaturi
May, 2023

Our Centre is welcoming and inclusive to all familes and their children. Our educators are caring, dedicated and promote educational learning. Most of... Read more

Jennifer Mountford image
Jennifer Mountford
Feb, 2023