Bankstown Family Day Care

Bankstown Family Day Care
753 The Hume Highway, Bankstown, NSW, 2197
Monday to Friday 7:00AM -6:00PM, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurdsay, Friday, Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday ,Friday, Saturday
Licensed for N/A Children

Bankstown Family Day Care Centre overview

Website & socials

Welcome to Bankstown Family Day Care


Bankstown Family Day Care has been operating in the Bankstown and surrounding areas for over 40 years. We are a community based, not for profit organisation. We value all children and their families who come into our care. Our educators are all qualified early childhood educators who care,nurture and educate each child in their care environment, each child is guided and supported in their growth and skill development. Bankstown Family Day Care is an inclusive service where all cultures and beliefs are respected and we embrace diversity. We have educators from different cultural backgrounds, Vietnamese, English, Lebanese, Eygptian, African, Bangladesh, European. Our coordination unit staff are all qualified early childhood professionals who support and guide our educators and visit with the educators and the children on a regular basis.  

We are an approved child care service and have a National Quality Standard rating of "Meeting" in all 7 quality areas. We work collaboratively with all families, educators and staff to provide a quality service that has the children best interest for their health,well being and the best possible outcomes for their growth and development.

Currently we have vacancies in Bankstown, Yagoona, Punchbowl, Padstow, Holdsworthy, Bass Hill, Panania.

Welcome, please give us a call and we can see how we can assist with your child care requirements.

Fees & Vacancies


Bankstown Family Day Care Service features

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Bankstown Family Day Care service include:

How Bankstown Family Day Care compares with Bankstown, 2197
Bankstown Family Day Care
NQS Rating


753 The Hume Highway
Bankstown, NSW, 2197
National Quality Standard Rating
Overall Provisional
Educational Program and Practice Meeting
Children's Health and Safety Meeting
Physical environment Meeting
Staffing Arrangements Meeting
Relationships with children Meeting
Collaborative partnerships with families and communities Meeting
Governance and leadership Meeting

Centre Reviews

This service currently doesn't have any Reviews.