Provide all-day or part-time care for families and offer developmental programs within their care programs.
Childcare services in Gippsland - East, Latrobe - Gippsland, VIC
In Gippsland - East we have 41 Childcare services
The average cost is $12.90 hourly, $128.99 daily (10 hours)
Estimate Your Childcare SubsidyThe average National Standard Rating (NQS) is Meeting National Quality Standard.
- VIC/
- Anglers Rest
- Bairnsdale
- Banksia Peninsula
- Bellbird Creek
- Bemm River
- Benambra
- Bendoc
- Bengworden
- Bete Bolong
- Bete Bolong North
- Bindi
- Bingo Munjie
- Bonang
- Boole Poole
- Broadlands
- Brodribb River
- Brookville
- Brumby
- Bruthen
- Buchan
- Buchan South
- Buldah
- Bullumwaal
- Bumberrah
- Bundara
- Butchers Ridge
- Cabbage Tree Creek
- Calulu
- Cann River
- Cape Conran
- Cassilis
- Chandlers Creek
- Clifton Creek
- Club Terrace
- Cobbannah
- Cobberas
- Cobungra
- Combienbar
- Corringle
- Cowa
- Dargo
- Dartmouth
- Deddick Valley
- Delegate River
- Deptford
- Doctors Flat
- Double Bridges
- Eagle Point
- East Bairnsdale
- Eastwood
- Ellaswood
- Ensay
- Ensay North
- Errinundra
- Fairy Dell
- Fernbank
- Flaggy Creek
- Forge Creek
- Gelantipy
- Genoa
- Gipsy Point
- Glen Valley
- Glen Wills
- Glenaladale
- Goon Nure
- Goongerah
- Granite Rock
- Hawkhurst
- Hillside
- Hinnomunjie
- Hollands Landing
- Iguana Creek
- Jarrahmond
- Johnsonville
- Kalimna
- Kalimna West
- Lake Bunga
- Lake Tyers
- Lake Tyers Beach
- Lakes Entrance
- Lindenow
- Lindenow South
- Lucknow
- Mallacoota
- Manorina
- Maramingo Creek
- Marlo
- Marthavale
- Melwood
- Merrijig
- Metung
- Mitta Mitta
- Mossiface
- Mount Taylor
- Murrindal
- Nariel Valley
- Nelse
- Newlands Arm
- Newmerella
- Nicholson
- Noorinbee
- Noorinbee North
- Nowa Nowa
- Nungurner
- Nunniong
- Nurran
- Nyerimilang
- Omeo
- Omeo Valley
- Orbost
- Paynesville
- Raymond Island
- Reedy Flat
- Ryans
- Sarsfield
- Shannonvale
- Simpsons Creek
- Stirling
- Suggan Buggan
- Swan Reach
- Swifts Creek
- Tabberabbera
- Tambo Crossing
- Tambo Upper
- Tamboon
- Timbarra
- Tom Groggin
- Tonghi Creek
- Tongio
- Toorloo Arm
- Tostaree
- Tubbut
- W Tree
- Wairewa
- Wallagaraugh
- Walpa
- Wangarabell
- Waterholes
- Waygara
- Wentworth
- Wingan River
- Wiseleigh
- Wombat Creek
- Woodglen
- Wroxham
- Wuk Wuk
- Wulgulmerang
- Wulgulmerang East
- Wulgulmerang West
- Wy Yung
- Yalmy
If this is not the area you are interested in, try broadening your Childcare services search to all of Latrobe - Gippsland.
Child Care Articles & Tips
An overview on babysitting
Babysitter overview: everything you need to know about using a babysitter including costs, what to expect and how to find and interview someone.
How to find a brilliant babysitter
The ins and outs of babysitters and how to make this flexible form of care work for your family.
Babysitter checklist
Babysitter checklist: learn how to interview and brief a new babysitter.
Parent / babysitter notes
Brief your babysitter properly then relax and enjoy your evening out using our printable form covering your kid’s routine, emergency contacts and house rules.
Babysitter tool kit for parents
A comprehensive babysitter toolkit which covers everything families need to know about interviewing, choosing and employing a babysitter for their children.
Hello virtual babysitting!
Virtual babysitters offer child minding services via the internet, while the parents are close at hand. This article considers which children benefit and how it can support parents.
The important role that grandparents play in child care
The important role that grandparents play in child care.