Kamalei Children's Centre

7 Centennial Road, Bowral, NSW, 2576
5.0 Average score
Licensed for 30 Children

Kamalei Children's Centre overview

Welcome to Kamalei Children's Centre

Our Preschool learning environment reflects a home like environment that is warm, loving and welcoming. We consider children as capable builders of their own knowledge and the adults are facilitators, educators and co-learners. Children and educators together engage in collaborative decision making about the curriculum. Children are free to explore a range of experiences provided each day.

At Kamalei we believe social and emotional development underpins and provides the foundation for each child’s future learning. Our preschool curriculum places a strong emphasis in developing these two areas. Our environment is set up by the educators to foster children’s communication, cooperation, negotiation, sharing and turn taking skills.

Studies have found that school teachers value social and emotional competence the most important of a child’s development. The curriculum allows learning the appreciation of one’s self as well as others. Experiences such as music and movement as well as art provides opportunities to respect others choices and creations as well as self expression.

We promote self help skills, routine learning and coping with transitions. Some other skills we promote and see as vital for children to learn to deal with at school are:

using the toilet unassisted
dress and undress themselves independently
unpack own lunch box and drink from a drink bottle… and not eat everything at once
participate in play
approaching other children in positive ways
show an interest in others
express needs and wants
conflict resolution
express emotions
take turns
follow and understand directions and rules
participate in complex conversations

If you have more questions about our Preschool, please give us a call. We would love to hear from you.

Fees & Vacancies

How Kamalei Children's Centre compares with Bowral, 2576
Kamalei Children's Centre
NQS Rating


7 Centennial Road
Bowral, NSW, 2576
National Quality Standard Rating
Overall Meeting
Educational Program and Practice Meeting
Children's Health and Safety Meeting
Physical environment Meeting
Staffing Arrangements Meeting
Relationships with children Meeting
Collaborative partnerships with families and communities Exceeding
Governance and leadership Meeting

Centre Reviews

5.0 (6 Reviews)
5.0 All sources (6)
# 5.0 Care for Kids (4)
Google (2)

This place has gangsta baby gibbys

Would recommend to a friend
Geo Kyle
Mar, 2021
James Sadlier (Music Man Ned Kelly James) image
James Sadlier (Music Man Ned Kelly James)
Nov, 2018
Pennie Lambert image
Pennie Lambert
Oct, 2016