Kindergarten/Preschool Programs
Our service offers the Queensland Government approved ‘Free Kindy’ Program, delivered by an experienced bachelor-qualified early childhood teacher. Within our play-based kindergarten program we celebrate what it means to be 4, and support children to develop foundational skills for learning, school and life. Added benefits of our kindergarten program include extended hours of care, and access 52 weeks of the year. We offer 9-hour, 10-hour, and all day sessions.
To support your child’s transition to school, we focus on 5 foundational skill sets for early learners as part of the kindergarten program:
1. Physical skills to build strength in movement patterns linked to writing, reading, and coping with the physical demands of the school day.
2. Social skills to establish, maintain and enjoy friendships, and work collaboratively with others.
3. Emotional skills to identify, label and understand emotions, leading to self-regulation.
4. Oral language skills as the basis for learning to read and write and communicate effectively.
5. Dispositions for learning required to be a successful learner including curiosity, confidence, problem-solving, persistence, concentration, and cooperation.
Pre-reading and pre-writing skills are central to learning in the kindergarten year, with our skilled teachers promoting a love of stories and storytelling, mark-making and emergent writing, and early mathematical skills including patterning, sequencing, and counting. Engagement with literacy and numeracy concepts is embedded within all learning experiences and across all play spaces.
Within our kindergarten program, children access specialist learning, including Clay, STEM and Nature experinces. These experiences afford deep engagement with project work, small group learning, and opportunities to extend on learning both indoors and outdoors using a range of materials and techniques.
For more information about Free Kindy and the added benefits of a government-approved kindergarten program in a long day care setting, go to the or contact us today.