Imaginations Early Education - Poidevin Place

7 Poidevin Place, Goulburn, NSW, 2580
5.0 Average score
Licensed for 75 Children

Imaginations Early Education - Poidevin Place Centre overview

Welcome to Imaginations Early Education - Poidevin Place

Having changed management and name in July 2015 we are excited to bring more changes in 2016! While the centre has undergone some new and exciting renovations we are committed to bringing our families more. We are looking at our routines, planning and programming in each room to make sure children are getting the high quality care and education they deserve. We will be implementing a preschool program that features school readiness elements to help prepare children who will enrol in school the following year. Staff are encouraged to continue their studies and keep current with new information in regards to young children's development and education needs.

Fees & Vacancies

How Imaginations Early Education - Poidevin Place compares with Goulburn, 2580
Imaginations Early Education - Poidevin Place
Working towards
NQS Rating


7 Poidevin Place
Goulburn, NSW, 2580
National Quality Standard Rating
Overall Working towards
Educational Program and Practice Meeting
Children's Health and Safety Meeting
Physical environment Meeting
Staffing Arrangements Working towards
Relationships with children Meeting
Collaborative partnerships with families and communities Meeting
Governance and leadership Meeting

Centre Reviews

5.0 (3 Reviews)
5.0 All sources (3)
# 5.0 Care for Kids (1)
Google (2)

Just the best child care centre I have come across. My daughter loves it here. The staff are fantastic, the facilities brilliant, and... Read more

Would recommend to a friend
Ben Simeon
Aug, 2017
Stephanie Rauch image
Stephanie Rauch
Jun, 2016

This is a great Centre, very friendly staff. My son attended here as an infant and after moving back into the area we... Read more

Kaely image
Mar, 2016