A qualified network of educators who provide early education and care in their own home for other people’s children.
Family Day Care services in South Coast, Capital Region, NSW
In South Coast we have 10 Family Day Care services
The average cost is $12.29 hourly, $122.93 daily (10 hours)
Estimate Your Childcare SubsidyThe average National Standard Rating (NQS) is Meeting National Quality Standard.
- NSW/
- Akolele
- Angledale
- Bald Hills
- Barragga Bay
- Batehaven
- Batemans Bay
- Bega
- Belowra
- Bemboka
- Benandarah
- Bergalia
- Bermagui
- Berrambool
- Bimbimbie
- Bingie
- Black Range
- Bodalla
- Bournda
- Boydtown
- Broadwater
- Brogo
- Broulee
- Buckajo
- Buckenbowra
- Burragate
- Cadgee
- Candelo
- Catalina
- Central Tilba
- Chinnock
- Cobargo
- Cockwhy
- Coila
- Congo
- Coolagolite
- Coolangubra
- Coopers Gully
- Corunna
- Currowan
- Cuttagee
- Dalmeny
- Denhams Beach
- Depot Beach
- Deua
- Deua River Valley
- Devils Hole
- Dignams Creek
- Doctor George Mountain
- Durras North
- East Lynne
- Eden
- Edrom
- Eurobodalla
- Frogs Hollow
- Green Cape
- Greendale
- Greigs Flat
- Guerilla Bay
- Jellat Jellat
- Jeremadra
- Kalaru
- Kameruka
- Kanoona
- Kiah
- Kianga
- Kingswood
- Kiora
- Lilli Pilli
- Lochiel
- Long Beach
- Maloneys Beach
- Malua Bay
- Merimbula
- Meringo
- Merricumbene
- Millingandi
- Mirador
- Mogareeka
- Mogendoura
- Mogilla
- Mogo
- Morans Crossing
- Moruya
- Moruya Heads
- Mossy Point
- Mount Darragh
- Mumbulla Mountain
- Murrah
- Murrengenburg
- Myrtle Mountain
- Mystery Bay
- Nadgee
- Narooma
- Narrabarba
- Nelligen
- Nelson
- Neringla
- Nerrigundah
- Nethercote
- New Buildings
- North Batemans Bay
- North Narooma
- Nullica
- Numbugga
- Nungatta
- Nungatta South
- Pambula
- Pambula Beach
- Pebbly Beach
- Pericoe
- Potato Point
- Pretty Beach
- Quaama
- Reedy Swamp
- Rocky Hall
- Rosedale
- Runnyford
- South Durras
- South Pambula
- South Wolumla
- Stony Creek
- Sunshine Bay
- Surf Beach
- Surfside
- Tanja
- Tantawangalo
- Tarraganda
- Tathra
- Tilba Tilba
- Timbillica
- Tinpot
- Tomakin
- Toothdale
- Towamba
- Tura Beach
- Turlinjah
- Tuross Head
- Verona
- Wadbilliga
- Wallaga Lake
- Wallagoot
- Wamban
- Wandella
- Wapengo
- Wog Wog
- Wolumla
- Wonboyn
- Wonboyn North
- Woodlands
- Wyndham
- Yambulla
- Yankees Creek
- Yellow Pinch
- Yowrie
If this is not the area you are interested in, try broadening your Family Day Care services search to all of Capital Region.
Child Care Articles & Tips
What is occasional care?
An overview of occasional care including what it is, how to find it, what your child will do there, who uses it and why and how much it costs.
How to plan child care in times of uncertainty
Learn why it is important to have a back up plan in case your usual child calls through and how to develop a range of contingencies to suit different circumstances.
How to organise child care when you travel for work
Learn how to plan for and execute work trips when you have small children at home including a range of tried and tested tips as well as ideas for staying connected while you are away.
Working from home: Child care and other strategies
Strategies for successfully and productively working from home when you have children around including house lay out, naptimes, using nannies and more.
Childcare for people who work non-standard hours
Childcare strategies for shift workers and people who work non-standard or extended hours who can’t source childcare services in the usual places.
Childcare strategies for the school holidays |
Tried and tested childcare strategies for working parents who only have four weeks leave a year.