5 Occasional, Casual or Flexible Care services in Dundowran 4655, QLD

5 of the 5  Childcare services in Dundowran have vacancies. Your search results include the following suburbs: Booral, Bunya Creek, Craignish, Dundowran Beach, Eli Waters, Great Sandy Strait, Kawungan, Nikenbah, Pialba, Point Vernon and 12 more.

The average cost for child care around Dundowran is $122.38/day. The average NQS Rating for Dundowran is Meeting National Quality Standard.

Dundowran Child Care Occasional Care
Dundowran information
Number of Centres 5
Centres with Vacancies 5

Average Cost Per Day
Baby 0 to 2 years
Toddler 2 to 3 years
Kindergarten/Preschool 3 to 5 years

National Quality Standard (NQS)

Dundowran's average NQS Rating is Meeting National Quality Standard.
