Family Lawyers

Ramsden Family Law

Our family lawyers focus solely on family law and divorce matters every day. We are experts in the field and our team includes 4 Law Society Accredited Family Law Specialists and approximately 10 family lawyers in total, which ensures that we deliver an exceptionally high standard of work. Specialising in family law means that we can advise on even the most complex family law related matters, and can provide advice in regards to one, or a combination of the following: Divorce applications; Child custody; Child Support; De facto and marital property settlements; De facto and marital spousal maintenance agreements; Drafting parenting orders, consent orders, and various financial agreements; Pre-nuptial agreements; and Domestic violence.

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Our story

Child Support
Parenting Agreements

Our family lawyers focus solely on family law and divorce matters every day. We are experts in the field and our team includes 4 Law Society Accredited Family Law Specialists and approximately 10 family lawyers in total, which ensures that we deliver an exceptionally high standard of work. Specialising in family law means that we can advise on even the most complex family law related matters, and can provide advice in regards to one, or a combination of the following: Divorce applications; Child custody; Child Support; De facto and marital property settlements; De facto and marital spousal maintenance agreements; Drafting parenting orders, consent orders, and various financial agreements; Pre-nuptial agreements; and Domestic violence

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Level 6, 15 Castleragh Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000

What we specialise in



We understand that the dissolution of a marriage by way of divorce, can be highly stressful on all individuals involved. We are invested in ensuring that this process is as easy as possible. You can apply for divorce together with your former partner, as joint applicants, or you can apply by yourself, as a sole applicant. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would assistance with your eligibility for divorce.

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Parenting Orders

When a relationship breaks down, it is a difficult time for everyone involved. It is even harder when there are children involved as parents need to negotiate the arrangements that are in the best interests of the children. If you would like to discuss your options regarding Parenting Orders, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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Parenting Plans

Often parents will enter into a Parenting Plan in the early stages of their separation, until they have resolved the arrangements that best suit their particular circumstances and decide to enter into Parenting Orders. It is best to obtain some advice from a properly qualified family lawyer about the best option for your particular circumstances. Contact us today to book an initial consultation with one of our qualified family lawyers.

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Property Division

When the court looks to altering parties’ interests in property as a result of separation, they will consider the initial and post separation contributions towards the property pool to determine the division of distribution that each party shall receive. These contributions must have been made towards the acquisition, conservation and improvement of the property pool. If you would like to discuss your entitlements please do not hesitate to contact us.

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Financial Agreements

A financial agreement is a document that allows couples to opt out of the court’s jurisdiction to deal with property and spousal maintenance matters under the Family Law Act 1975. A Financial Agreement can be made before entering a marriage, during a marriage, and after a divorce. If you would like to speak with one of our experienced family lawyers regarding a financial agreement, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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Spousal Maintenance

Under the Family Law Act, when your marriage ends, one party is liable to financially support the other party to the extent that they are reasonably able to do so if that other party is unable to adequately support themselves. Contact us to organise an initial consultation with one of our experienced lawyers to discuss your eligibility for spousal maintenance.

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When a relationship breaks down, navigating the complex waters of asset division can be a daunting task. A significant, and often misunderstood, component of this process is the treatment of superannuation. If you’re facing a relationship breakdown and have concerns about your superannuation, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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