Planned educational programs for 3-5-year-old children in the years before they start school.
Pre-Schools/Kindergartens in Tumut - Tumbarumba, Riverina, NSW
In Tumut - Tumbarumba we have 34 Pre-Schools/Kindergartens
The average cost is $8.02 hourly, $80.21 daily (10 hours)
Estimate Your Childcare SubsidyThe average National Standard Rating (NQS) is Meeting National Quality Standard.
- NSW/
- Adelong
- Argalong
- Bangadang
- Batlow
- Bimberi
- Black Creek
- Blowering
- Bogong Peaks Wilderness
- Bombowlee
- Bombowlee Creek
- Brindabella
- Bringenbrong
- Brungle
- Brungle Creek
- Buddong
- Burra
- Cabramurra
- Califat
- Cooleman
- Cooleys Creek
- Courabyra
- Couragago
- Darlow
- Ellerslie
- Gadara
- Geehi
- Gilmore
- Glenroy
- Gocup
- Goobarragandra
- Grahamstown
- Green Hills
- Greg Greg
- Humula
- Indi
- Jagumba
- Jagungal Wilderness
- Jingellic
- Jones Bridge
- Khancoban
- Kiandra
- Killimicat
- Kosciuszko
- Kunama
- Lacmalac
- Laurel Hill
- Little River
- Long Plain
- Lower Bago
- Mannus
- Maragle
- Minjary
- Mount Adrah
- Mount Horeb
- Munderoo
- Mundongo
- Murray Gorge
- Nurenmerenmong
- Ournie
- Paddys River
- Pilot Wilderness
- Pinbeyan
- Red Hill
- Rosewood
- Sandy Gully
- Sharps Creek
- Talbingo
- Taradale
- Tooma
- Tumbarumba
- Tumorrama
- Tumut
- Tumut Plains
- Welaregang
- Wereboldera
- Wermatong
- Westdale
- Westwood
- Willigobung
- Windowie
- Wondalga
- Wyangle
- Yarrangobilly
- Yaven Creek
If this is not the area you are interested in, try broadening your Pre-Schools/Kindergartens search to all of Riverina.
Child Care Articles & Tips
Which child care is best? Your Child Care Options |
Read this for an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of the different types of child care options available in Australia.
Managing feelings of parent guilt
Parent guilt is common among parents leaving their children in care for the first time; this article outlines what to expect and a range of coping strategies.
Helping your child adjust to child care
Tried and tested strategies for ensuring children make a successful transition to child care, what to expect and how to ease the adjustment process.
How much does child care cost?
An overview of the cost of the different types of child care in Australia and a cost widget to identify the average cost of care in a location.