Planned educational programs for 3-5-year-old children in the years before they start school.
Pre-Schools/Kindergartens in Goldfields, Western Australia - Outback (South), WA
In Goldfields we have 18 Pre-Schools/Kindergartens
The average cost is $8.49 hourly, $84.95 daily (10 hours)
Estimate Your Childcare SubsidyThe average National Standard Rating (NQS) is Meeting National Quality Standard.
- WA/
- Balladonia
- Bandya
- Beadell
- Binduli
- Boorabbin
- Boorara
- Boulder
- Broadwood
- Brown Hill
- Bullabulling
- Bulong
- Caiguna
- Cocklebiddy
- Coolgardie
- Cosmo Newbery
- Cundeelee
- Dundas
- Emu Flat
- Eucla
- Feysville
- Fimiston
- Forrest
- Fraser Range
- Gibson Desert South
- Hannans
- Higginsville
- Irrunytju
- Kalgoorlie
- Kambalda East
- Kambalda West
- Kanowna
- Kanpa
- Karlkurla
- Karramindie
- Kookynie
- Kurnalpi
- Lake Darlot
- Lake Wells
- Lakewood
- Lamington
- Laverton
- Leinster
- Leonora
- Londonderry
- Madura
- Mantamaru
- Menzies
- Mount Burges
- Mullingar
- Mundrabilla
- Neale
- Ngaanyatjarra-Giles
- Norseman
- Ora Banda
- Papulankutja
- Parkeston
- Patjarr
- Piccadilly
- Plumridge Lakes
- Rawlinna
- Sir Samuel
- Somerville
- South Boulder
- South Kalgoorlie
- Tjirrkarli
- Tjukurla
- Trafalgar
- Ularring
- Victoria Rock
- Victory Heights
- Wallaroo
- Wanarn
- Warakurna
- Warburton
- West Kalgoorlie
- West Lamington
- Widgiemooltha
- Williamstown
- Yilkari
- Zanthus
If this is not the area you are interested in, try broadening your Pre-Schools/Kindergartens search to all of Western Australia - Outback (South).
Child Care Articles & Tips
An overview of out of school hours (OOSH) and vacation care
Everything you need to know about Outside School Hours Care including how to find a service near you, costs and school holiday options.
How to choose the right OOSH service for your child |
How to choose the best Outside Schools Hours (OOSH) Care for your family: including what to think about and look for and choosing the best service for child.
Cost effective options for after school care
Creative and cost effective strategies for families who need outside school hours care and haven’t yet got a spot in their preferred service.
How to meet the challenges of before and after school care
We look at some ways your family can manage the before and after school care dilemma right now.
Alternative Child Care Solutions for After School |
With a rise in dual-income families and a booming school-age population, many families are searching for alternative solutions to outside school hours care.
The lowdown on before and after school care
The lowdown on before and after school care.
What to look for in an outside school hours care service
With a shortage of outside school hours care services in some areas, learn how to choose the best outside school hours care for your child and family.