General Early Childhood Information For Educators

Successful Sleep Strategies in Child Care
Baby and toddler sleep in a child care environment is never easy but we have a few ideas from those in the know on how to get children to transition to sleep more easily.

Staff Retention | Strategies to keeping your staff
Staff retention is always identified as a huge issue for child care providers and with the new qualifications standards required under the NQF the challenge has been intensified.

The Ins and Outs of Childcare Insurance
If you’re in the business of childcare, it’s important to make sure you’ve got the right protection. Make sure you’ve got all your bases covered with the right insurance.

Six (real!) steps to squashing stress
There are a myriad of clichés out there and a bunch of self-help methods to managing stress but in the moment, you need practical solutions to a stressful problem. These six steps to squashing stress will help.

Earning (and growing) Trust With Parents
When parents leave their children in your care, they’re instilling a huge amount of trust in you. Here’s our top 10 tips to help build trust with parents.

Why Should We Hire You For Our Childcare Centre? |
We’ve put together a few handy pointers to help you land your dream job in childcare. From preparing for your interview to common childcare interview questions and answers.

What Skills Do You Need to Work in Childcare? |
Whether you pursue a career as an early childhood teacher, establish your own family daycare or work for a family as an au pair, there’s a common set of skills that are required.

Dreaming With Eyes Open | Book Week 2022 |
Book Week 2022 begins on August 20 and the theme is Dream With Eyes Open. Here we list 6 of this years best Early Childhood books for the year. Time to get costume planning!

National Science Week 2022 | Glass |
National Science Week 2022 begins on August 13 and the theme is about Glass! It’s a great time to focus on the value of STEM activities as education for children

The 5 pain points that parents experience when looking for childcare
In our recent research, we asked parents what the challenges were when looking for Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) for their little ones. We wanted to know where the pain points were, and how it made them feel.

Industry first partnership to help with two of the ECEC sector’s biggest pain points
With the early childhood education and care (ECEC) sector in the midst of a staffing crisis, childcare software provider Kinder m8 and early childhood casual recruitment company Z Recruitment, have joined forces to assist with two of the sector’s biggest pain points.

Happy Holidays from
Happy holidays and best wishes from the Team at

Your marketing plan for 2022 starts now
Effectively marketing your service to parents is the best way to fill vacancies and the Marketing Guide has all the resources you need to give your service the boost it deserves.

Socialising children who have been in lockdown
Ideas for educators wanting to support children returning to care after a period of isolation.

Planning for outdoor play every day
Outdoor play shouldn’t stop in winter and this article offers educators the reasons why along with suggestions for planning and preparing for outdoor play in the cooler months to ensure children continue to benefit.

Scaffolding learning with pop-culture
How educators can harness the passions and crazes of popular culture into learning opportunities for children in early learning settings.

Spark joy and learning with interactive read-alouds
Six ideas for educators seeking to maximise the learning opportunities of reading sessions with children.

It's a small world: The importance of small world play
How educators can facilitate small world play in early learning settings and the educational benefits.

10 ways to be a more reflective educator
Ten top tips for becoming a more reflective early educator.

Embracing the rich resource of cultural and linguistic diversity
How to tap into cultural and linguistic diversity to create a more inclusive learning environment for children and families.

Supporting neurodiversity in early education settings
The unique needs of neurodiverse children and the important role of early educators in supporting their learning and development.

Managing aggressive behaviour
How educators can manage aggressive behaviour among children and identify its causes.

New research says boys benefit from starting child care early
New research from Canada shows that boys who start child care young may be more likely to finish high school and be financially successful.

Building career pathways in the Pilbara
Child Australia and BHP are collaborating on a project to build a sustainable pipeline for early childhood talent in the Pilbara region and to ensure families in this area can access high quality early childhood services.

Research: The Respectful Approach
Learn about new research on the Respectful Approach, which is based on Magda Gerber’s philosophy of early education and care and prioritises respectful interactions between infants and carers.

What's all the fuss about reflective practice?
Inspired EC’s Nicole Halton explains how regular reflective practice can motivate and energise early educators and how reflective journals can be a useful tool for achieving this.

Early Childhood Educators’ Day: A time to say ‘thank you’
Early Childhood Educators’ Day is tomorrow Wednesday 2 September. This article offers ideas for marking this special event with the educators, children and families in early childhood services.

Books to boost LGBTQI Inclusion
10 age appropriate picture books celebrating a diverse range of families and children that will boost LGBTQI inclusion in your early childhood service.

Be more than a Centre Manager with Guardian
Be more than a Centre Manager with Guardian.

The power of language for thinking and learning
Learn how preschool-aged children use language to think and learn in this special contribution written by paediatric speech-language pathologists Tania Kelly and Janice Zee, directors of Little Birdie Books.

How to host an amazing tour
Learn how to reboot and revive your enrolment strategy by taking a close look at the effectiveness of your tours, how well you are engaging families and how to convert lookers into bookers.

Supporting parents to return to the CCS
A guide for child care services on how to communicate the end of free child care - Early Childhood Education and Care Relief Package.

What role does automation have in the early childhood sector?
The implications of AI for early childhood services and what roles robots could potentially have in caring and educating for young children.

Early literacy skills are a pathway to reading
How rhymes, silly songs and shared books develop the early literacy skills necessary for learning to read.

What we can learn from children's drawings of themselves
What children's drawings of themselves tells us.

Have screens killed imaginary friends?
A new survey of early childhood staff in the UK has shown that fewer children have imaginary friends than they did five years ago, with screen time being cited as the major factor in making children less imaginative.

Fostering a sense of wonder
A child's sense of wonder is an ineffable and precious commodity - celebrated in poetry and pedagogy alike.

The benefits of biophilic design for early learning centres
Proponents of biophilic building design, say as humans have evolved, the divide between the natural environment and the built world has become greater, and the effects are negatively impacting us.

Managing extreme behaviour
Managing extreme behaviour among young children in your service.

The importance of sharing
Teaching sharing, an essential skill for social, cognitive, and emotional development of children.

10 ways to support children and parents prepare for school
10 top tips for supporting children, and their parents, to prepare for the transition to big school.

How to talk more to babies and why you should
Children in ECECs would seemingly have more opportunity to hear language than children in home environments, simply by virtue of the fact there are more people around them for more of the time.

Is more flexible care the future?
Following introduction of the Child Care Subsidy in July this year a growing number of early childhood providers have started offering flexible and/or session-based care to better meet the needs of families.

Books are still best
New research shows that children who are read to regularly as toddlers have more advanced language skills as they grow older, and also have a stronger likelihood of better academic achievement.

Find your treasure in Book Week
Every year the Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA) brings children and books together to celebrate CBCA Book Week.

The new model for In Home Care
The new Child Care Subsidy has landed and has been the biggest reform in early education since the introduction of the now defunct Child Care Benefit and Child Care Rebate in 2000.

Resources to support fair pay for fair work
Legal obligations for early education employers when it comes to paying staff what they are owed.

Technology changes under the Jobs for Families Child Care Package
How implementation of the Jobs for Families Package and new Child Care Subsidy will impact early education and care services.

The growing influence of devices on very young children
The growing influence of devices on very young children.

STEM is boring …or is it?
STEM is boring …or is it?

8 awesome early childhood blogs that will make your life easier
8 awesome early childhood blogs that will make your life easier.

Building better bonds with parents
Building better bonds with parents.

Boosting numeracy in the early years
Boosting numeracy in the early years.

Most pre-schoolers receiving their all-important 15+ hours per week
Most pre-schoolers receiving their all-important 15+ hours per week.

Resource reminder: Building Belonging toolkit
Late in 2016 the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) released the 'Building Belonging' toolkit for early childhood education and care providers.

Changes to the NQS Less red tape & fewer elements
Changes to the National Quality Framework following a review of the National Partnership Agreement on the National Quality Agenda for Early Childhood Education and Care that began in 2014.