Government Policy & Quality Standards

What Labor’s policy for the Early Childhood Education and Care sector means.
The results are in… Anthony Albanese is the 31st Prime Minister of Australia. Now that Labor has secured the win and is in charge of our great nation, what does this mean for the Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) sector?

New national strategy for the early childhood workforce
The government’s 10-year national workforce strategy for early education aims to address some of the challenges facing the early childhood workforce.

Helping families with the CCS
How early childhood services can support families to continue to receive the Child Care Subsidy by reporting their income to Services Australia.

Educator-to-child ratio calculator for centres
ACECQA has developed an easy-to-use educator-to-child ratio calculator for centre based education and care providers, which you can use to work out how many staff you need on any given day.

Keeping kids safe: Safety standards & legal requirements
A reminder about the safety standards and legal requirements in place for early education centres to protect children while they are in care.

How character strengths align with the EYLF
How the five learning outcomes in the EYLF can be supported by the educator, understanding of character strengths in children, and themselves, and how this supports children and families.

Nappy changing: A valuable opportunity to connect
Nappy changes offer a valuable opportunity to connect with and support the development of young children. Learn how to maximise the benefits of nappy change for children.

Is it time for national menu guidelines for early education services?
Research shows many preschool-aged children in early learning settings may not be consuming the daily recommended amount of vegetables and calls for a nationally consistent approach to menu planning in centre based care.

5 priority areas for sustained quality improvement
Five priority areas to support and sustain quality improvement among early childhood services and the important role of service leaders and individual educators.

VIC Level 3 Restrictions: Guidance for providers
How gap fee waivers will ensure child care services maintain their enrolments and continue to be paid the CCS, even if a child is absent for a COVID-related reason.

Breaking News - Free child care to end
Breaking News - Transition back to Child Care Subsidy.

Look before you lock: Guidance for providers transporting children
Six steps early childhood providers should follow when transporting children to and from their premises and on off site excursions to ensure the safety of all children in their care.

Conditions and information on the Early Childhood Education and Care Relief Package
Conditions and information on the Early Childhood Education and Care Relief Package.

COVID-19 Support for the early childhood sector
COVID-19 Support for the early childhood sector.

COVID-19 – Support for providers
COVID-19 – Support for child care providers.

ACECQA Ratio Refresher
A ratio reminder from ACECQA.

CCS Balancing - It's happening now
The Child Care Subsidy (CCS) balancing process began on 29 July, here's what you need to know and do.

Are you ready? - New staffing requirements come into effect in 2020
With less than six months to go until new early childhood staffing requirements come into effect, now is the time to confirm you are prepared.

The hardest question in early childhood - Raising the profile
Learn about changes to the National Quality Framework and National Quality Standard.

It's report time for the NQF
ACECQA has released it's first Annual Performance Report detailing progress of the National Quality Framework (NQF) across the early childhood education and care sector over the past five years.

The future is now: Welcome to the revised NQS
Under the revised NQS, services are now being assessed against 15 standards and 40 elements with the overarching goal of driving constant improvement in the provision of education and care services.

Jobs for Families Child Care Package IT changes
Jobs for Families Child Care Package IT changes.

NQF changes from 1 October 2017
Further changes to the National Quality Framework take effect from next month, 1 October, with another raft of changes scheduled for the beginning of February 2018.

Struggling with Q3?
Struggling with Q3?

Tax minimisation strategies for child care providers: The why, what, when, where and how
Tax minimisation strategies for child care providers: The why, what, when, where and how by Peter Khalil.

The link between qualifications and quality
The link between qualifications and quality.