
Elm Trees Family Day Care

Fees & Availability

$110 N/A
Vacancies Avg. price/day Approved places

Family Day Care

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12 wks to 5 yrs

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
Fees Approved service for CCS
Price $11 /hour

Vacation Care

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5 yrs to 12 yrs

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
Fees Approved service for CCS
Fees POA
Fee information is not available. Please contact the service directly for information.


“Elm Trees Family Day Care is a warm and nurturing childcare facility, dedicated to providing a safe and stimulating environment for children aged 6 months to 5 years. I’m a diploma certified educator offering a personalised attention and a structured curriculum tailored to each child's developmental needs. With a focus on play-based learning, and regular outdoor activities, I strive to create a home-away-from-home environment where children thrive. Elm Trees Family Day Care is committed to fostering early education, social skills, and a love for learning in a loving family-oriented setting."

Service Features

Educational & Developmental Programs
Nature-Based Play
Parent Communication App
SunSmart Aware

Services - what are the different

  • Family Day Care
  • Occasional, Casual or Flexible Care
  • Pre-school
  • Vacation Care


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Scheme's National Quality Standard Rating

What the National Quality Standard Ratings mean for families
nqs logo
Overall Exceeding
Educational Program and Practice Meeting
Children's Health and Safety Meeting
Physical environment Meeting
Staffing Arrangements Exceeding
Relationships with children Exceeding
Collaborative partnerships with families and communities Exceeding
Governance and leadership Exceeding
NQS rating last updated 19-Dec-2024. NQS rating applies to the service and not to the individual/educator.

Reviews for Elm Trees Family Day Care

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How Elm Trees Family Day Care compares with Cranbourne North, 3977
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This centre $110
Cranbourne North $138
This centre
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Cranbourne North
Gray star Gray star Gray star Gray star Gray star 4.8/5
National quality standard
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This centre Exceeding
Cranbourne North Meeting
VIC Cranbourne North Elm Trees Family Day Care